2 Q's: Most stable version of OSX 10.4? and help importing transparent images?

Posted by mediocrefilms 
2 Q's: Most stable version of OSX 10.4? and help importing transparent images?
December 01, 2006 12:53AM
Hi everybody! Normally I can find answers by searching old posts, but I'm stumped on these two:

1. I'm finally ready to upgrade from OSX 10.3.9 and FCP 4.5 to OSX 10.4 and FCP 5. Can someone tell me what the most stable version (or versions) of 10.4 are? Is 10.4.8 the most stable? Or was an earlier version better for FCP use? (FYI, I do plan to use the latest update of FCP 5 and also the latest QuickTime Pro.)

2. For some reason I can't figure out how to import transparent images into FCP and keep them transparent. When I create and save multiple layered images in Photoshop (I'm creating text logos) and then save them as Photoshop or Tiff files (with layers), then import them into FCP, the background is always white, not transparent. Can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.

FYI, I'm running a Dual 2.5 G5 with 2.5 GB Ram. And using Photoshop 7.0.

As always, thanks for your amazing help!

(They're better than they sound.)
Re: 2 Q's: Most stable version of OSX 10.4? and help importing transparent images?
December 01, 2006 05:16AM
save them as a psd - works for me.

but if you asked me, i say do all your graphic work in motion or after effects. but psd's will work in fcp
Re: 2 Q's: Most stable version of OSX 10.4? and help importing transparent images?
December 01, 2006 06:28AM
When you make a new PS document make sure it has a transparant background.

Re: 2 Q's: Most stable version of OSX 10.4? and help importing transparent images?
December 01, 2006 11:12AM

When you save yout Tiff, there should be a check box to make the background transparent (or not transparent)

BTW, I love your short films a great! (This is Matt-from SillyCon).....seen you on myspace!
Re: 2 Q's: Most stable version of OSX 10.4? and help importing transparent images?
December 02, 2006 12:55AM
1) I'm running 10.4.8 with FC Studio (all except Motion) and all seems well.

- Loren
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Re: 2 Q's: Most stable version of OSX 10.4? and help importing transparent images?
December 04, 2006 07:28PM
First of all, thanks so much for your responses. (And for the compliment, Matt!)

I got ahold of Larry Jordan and he confirmed the most compatible current versions for FCP 5:

FCP 5.1.2
QT 7.1.3
OS X 10.4.8

Unfortunately, I still can't import transparent images!!! I have been doing everything you said: the background layer is transparent, I save as a PSD with layers & transparent background... I have tried several different combinations as PSD & TIFF files -- the only difference I get once in FCP is the background (which should be transparent) is either white or black.

I read one interesting note in an older FCP user guide. I tried it but it didn't solve my problem at all:

"Importing Transparent Images: Images created in other programs may pre-multiply colors with black or white to create the effect of a more transparent or opaque layer. When you import these images into Final Cut Pro, you may need to choose an alpha type other than None/Ignore from the Alpha Type submenu (in the Modify menu) to achieve the correct alpha type for the image. In most cases, however, Final Cut Pro automatically imports the image with the appropriate alpha type."

An other ideas would be apreciated...
Thanks again,

(They're better than they sound.)
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