motion tab settings don't show up in Canvas on playback

Posted by unamalatesta 
motion tab settings don't show up in Canvas on playback
December 05, 2006 03:48PM
I've been working with stills, adjusting scale, rotation, etc., in the motion tab of the viewer, but the adjustments are not appearing on playback. Anybody else encountered this?

10.4.7, fcp5.1, intel
Re: motion tab settings don't show up in Canvas on playback
December 05, 2006 04:22PM
After inserting the still from the Viewer into the timeline, did you remember to double-click on the copy of the still in the timeline to open that exact copy? Otherwise you're just editing the master clip's parameters in the Viewer.
Re: motion tab settings don't show up in Canvas on playback
December 05, 2006 04:57PM
No, it's coming straight from the timeline; I sent it from the TL into the viewer. Whenver I made changes, it would not come up into the Canvas. However, if I'm in the Viewer, click on the Video tab and scrub along the in and outs, I can see the changes I made, right there in the Viewer.

I'm not flumoxed yet, but this is weird.
Re: motion tab settings don't show up in Canvas on playback
December 05, 2006 05:06PM
Did you render?

Make sure the Canvas is set right: RGB, Fit to Window or smaller, Image or Image + Wireframe.

Also try selecting the clip in question in the timeline, press CONTROL-B to disable it, then CONTROL-B again to re-enable it. Corrupt render files could fail to update and show you an old image.
Re: motion tab settings don't show up in Canvas on playback
December 05, 2006 05:22PM
Well, it's all real time stuff; Canvas is set right; other settings good.

It's the strangest thing -- I think there's a homunculus living in there, screwing with me, because it's fixed itself. I don't know. I'm just getting used to the Intel, so maybe there's a weird warm up period. I've been cutting fcp every day for the last few years and this is the most screwy I've seen it. Could it be fcp 5.1 on the Intel? Should I up to 5.1.2? I just don't want colossal issues 'cause I'm in the middle of a show.

Thanks, Derek.
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