Help Cinema tools change note/Can't tell me where the change happens

Posted by yospang 
Help Cinema tools change note/Can't tell me where the change happens
December 05, 2006 11:36PM
Help I have a problem - here it is:

I do the change note the usual way, i.e do a list for the 1st version then do make changes note for the 2nd. Everything is fine - it does the note (which looks correct) except that it doesn't have the Timecode where the change takes place, in the "at this footage" column every change reads

So in other words it knows the changes just not the footage/Timecode where it takes place. When I do an assembly list for each sequence they have the correct hour 1 Timecode. I tried cutting them into new sequences, I tried doing them as footage (better started at 6000 something but at least something). Any ideas?


Re: Help Cinema tools change note/Can't tell me where the change happens
December 06, 2006 12:55PM
Hi Suzanne,

That seems odd. Is this a video or an NTSC matchback project? The reason I ask is because the timecode is showing frame 25 so that means it isn't a film (24fps) or PAL project. Change notes work best on 24fps film projects--though they can be used on other types of projects.

Could you make a short (3 shots or so) sequence and make an old/new assemble list and change list and post it here so we can take a look at it? In addition, seeing the header information on the change list might give us a clue.

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