29.97 to 24 for negative cut list

Posted by Jade 
29.97 to 24 for negative cut list
December 12, 2006 09:05PM
Using FCP 5.1, Cinema Tools 3.1.2
I've taken over a project that was shot on 35mm and telecined to miniDV.
Picture is locked and I'm needing to make a cut list for the negative cutter.
It was cut in 29.97so I did a 24 from 30 fps EDL convert in Cinema Tools
and imported that list into a 24fps FCP project. (Easy setup Cinema Tools 24fps from DV NTSC)
I then did a reverse telecine on the original 29.97 media.
Do I simply reconnect the offline clips in the new 24 project
to the clips in the reversed folder created by cinema tools?
Is there a better way to generate a film list from the 29.97?
ie a matchback list of sorts?
Kevin Monahan's posting was very helpful but I wasn't quite sure about the finish:
(does this workflow even apply to going back to a reverse telecine vs 24 HD)

"The Browser contains a list of the media used in the edit. You can then
use the Final Cut Pro Media Manager to create an new offline sequence that you'd
use to reconnect the clips for the online edit."

My second question is regarding the absence of key numbers in my FCP project.
I'm assuming that when they set this project up the flex files were imported into CT
and a batch capture list was generated NOT an XML batch list since none of the film info
came through into FCP.
First thing I came across was not being able to check my key numbers against burn-ins mid clip.
Does not having this information cause any other problems?
Is is sufficient for FCP to reference back to CT for that information?
Is there a way to get this information into FCP particulary now that I have this
slimmed down 24 fps project that only has the cut and used clips in it.

Thank you for any info!
Re: 29.97 to 24 for negative cut list
December 14, 2006 11:19AM
Whoa there--things are getting complicated.

First of all, since the project is locked and edited at 29.97, why not do a matchback cut list? You don't need to convert the EDL, reverse telecine, reconnect, etc. All you need to do is to make sure all the telecine logs are entered into Cinema Tools. You should be able to create a cut list right out of FCP. Even if there are no keynumbers in the FCP project, and if the clips aren't connected in the Cinema Tools database it doesn't matter because Cinema Tools will take the video timecode and look up the corresponding keynumber.

You can convert the EDL, reverse telecine, reconnect and then make your list if you want. This way you can be 100 percent certain that the list is exactly what you see in your edit, but in reality you are making a whole lot more work for very little gain--the matchback lists have worked on many productions.

As for checking the keynumber burn-ins mid clip, if you connected your Cinema Tools database to the clips, you should be able to check them there. In fact it probably makes more sense to check them in Cinema Tools because your cut list will be generated by Cinema Tools, not FCP.

Re: 29.97 to 24 for negative cut list
January 08, 2007 02:01PM
Thank youy for the follow up...
Some mis-entered key number information lead us down this crazy path.
Turns out and EDL fromt he 29.97 list worked fine-just bad data entry.
Thanks again!
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