Will it work?

Posted by derek hillier 
Will it work?
January 12, 2007 04:20AM
I've just ordered the new Apple iphone will I be able to load FinalCut Studio on it?

Re: Will it work?
January 12, 2007 05:05AM
Oh yeah. I think you need to upgrade the video card to work with Motion, but all the other stuff should just FLY.

Oh wait - how much storage does it have? You may need to strap a RAID to it...

Re: Will it work?
January 12, 2007 05:20AM
I was thinking x-raid over wifi what do you think

Re: Will it work?
January 12, 2007 06:11AM
It does have a 4to6 pin FiberChannel port dosn't it, so why not use that? and with the DVI-X out you can hook up another monitor for editing your HDV footage winking smiley
Re: Will it work?
January 12, 2007 06:57AM
i heard it was actual dual carded, adn u can have 3 external moniters, and use the 1/4 inch outputs to hook up to outside speakers
Re: Will it work?
January 12, 2007 08:23AM
i was thinking of getting 2 bluetooth ear peices for stereo sound also.
Re: Will it work?
January 12, 2007 08:24AM
On a serious note here in the UK we have got to wait another year I recon.

Re: Will it work?
January 12, 2007 08:29AM
Question is which carrier will they go with? I instantly assumed the Phone was 3G and that it would be Orange or 3 that would get the deal, then i heard rumors that it would be O2... and now i give up! I'd love one but that price is just a bit steep!
Re: Will it work?
January 12, 2007 10:38AM
They're going with Cingular (Stink-ular) Wish they'd picked Verizon - exclusive deal with Cingluar for two years..and you have to sign a two year deal with the cell provider....great phone...not so great provider.
Re: Will it work?
January 12, 2007 10:58AM
Yeah my point was what about in the UK? we know its coming but there are a whole host of providers, everyone jumped on the G3 bandwagon and bought stupidly expensive licenses but the phone isn't 3G!
Re: Will it work?
January 12, 2007 11:47AM
At least you folks know when they're hitting the market in your area. Still haven't heard a peep about when the thing ships in Canada . . .
Re: Will it work?
January 12, 2007 11:53AM
id imagne that they went cingular as they are the only us provider that has true global access...
Re: Will it work?
January 12, 2007 12:10PM
Nothin' wrong with Cingular (at least I haven't had any isues with them). I will be tappin' that iPhone when my Razr contract is up in November grinning smiley

BTW...comes in 4 & 8 Gig sizes smiling smiley Good luck cutting anything on it. I just want to know if I can run Apple Remote Desktop & control both my workstations from it grinning smiley

Hmmmm...to be continued...

- Joey

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: Will it work?
January 12, 2007 12:30PM
keep us informed when you get one as we in the UK have to wait about a year but I guess you guys will iron out all the bugs.........

have a good weekend

Re: Will it work?
January 13, 2007 07:03AM
During the Keynote Steve Jobs has clearly mentioned the the iPhone will be 3G

A Day late & a Dollar-short Productions
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