Can I place an In and an Out and cut multi layers out?

Posted by ChrisMoriarty 
Can I place an In and an Out and cut multi layers out?
January 23, 2007 04:10PM
Newbie question I know....
I have a time line with nests, motion drops 7 layers deep and I wanted to
cut 2 frames out of the timeline. (video only)
Sheesh... just when I thought I had it dialed.
Re: Can I place an In and an Out and cut multi layers out?
January 23, 2007 04:13PM
Sure, Chris. One way:

Set in and out.
Option-A (select all layers within in and out).

There are of couse 734 ways
Re: Can I place an In and an Out and cut multi layers out?
January 23, 2007 04:23PM
Actually thre are only 733 ways. The 734th way doesn't work

smiling smiley

Michael Horton
Re: Can I place an In and an Out and cut multi layers out?
January 23, 2007 04:25PM
Well I least I have 1 way.
Thanks for the quick response.
Beers R on me.
Re: Can I place an In and an Out and cut multi layers out?
January 23, 2007 04:41PM
no need for the Option A step.
and it must be forward delete or Shift + Delete

all the layers are selected by the in out points.
Option A however might show you very graphically if some of your autoslecet buttons aren't activated.
And if they aren't, then not all tracks will be selected, and the ripple delete wont work

even with just the in outs you do get a slight change in clip colour to indicate selection.

autoselect buttons are the tiny grey buttons iner-most on the left hand "panel" of the timeline.

simple delete will just extract the selection.
SHIFT + Delete will also close the gap. (Ripple Delete)
Forward Delete will also close the gap

Re: Can I place an In and an Out and cut multi layers out?
January 24, 2007 10:47AM
Nick Meyers Wrote:

> simple delete will just extract the selection.
> SHIFT + Delete will also close the gap. (Ripple
> Delete)
> Forward Delete will also close the gap

Thanks for mentioning this, Nick. I have always been confused by Delete key behavior, which seems to change depending on circumstances.

The reason, it turns out, is that I have the Delete key mapped to Forward Delete, and the Backspace key (Windows keyboard) mapped to Clear. Between these two I seem to get what I want, but I think a previous system owner may have set that up.

So check how your keys are mapped, and remember that you can set up what you want. And that someone might have done it for you.
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