quicktime conversion to wmv
January 24, 2007 08:39AM
Hey all-

Everytime I am trying to convert to .wmv format in Quicktime conversion on FCP 5.1.2 (on a 30 sec spot) the final result is only about the first 16 seconds of the sequence in the created wmv file. I have tried creating a new sequence, a new project, and even re-importing a QT into a new project to lose any settings I might have inadvrtently created. I have adjusted the in/out points, and the same result every time. I have no clue why this is happening, or how to solve it. Am at my wit's end.

Any ideas? Thanks so much!
Re: quicktime conversion to wmv
January 24, 2007 08:44AM
Didn't know you could do that
Re: quicktime conversion to wmv
January 24, 2007 09:00AM
Is it possible that you may only have a demo version of Flip4Mac?
Re: quicktime conversion to wmv
January 24, 2007 11:26AM
The Demo version of FLip4Mac will only compess the first half of your show. To get the second half, apply credit card.

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