RAID drives or???

Posted by envisaging 
RAID drives or???
February 06, 2007 11:25AM
I have been working firewire for years now and have reached capacity. Any advice on which Raid to buy? I have an ATTO SCSI board installed and of course firewire400/800- USB2.0 capability.
Re: RAID drives or???
February 06, 2007 12:17PM
SCSI is WAY old...time to upgrade.

eSATA Raids are the way to go. And I highly recommend the options at The drive units include a controller card.

I am using the S2VR Duo unit (two of them) for DVCPRO HD with great success.

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Re: RAID drives or???
February 06, 2007 02:10PM
Yep eSATA I built one myself and its damn fast and large...

Perfect for fast SD and HD editing and rendering.

I would say look at 4 channels of eSATA minimum as the performance will be massively noticeable and your edits will feel like cutting liquid mercury...


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Re: RAID drives or???
February 07, 2007 12:04PM
You have a choice of RAID volume sizes and how that RAID is configured. In a 4 stripe/drive configuration you can have 1.0 - 2.0 or 3.0 Terabytes of storage that wil give you around 240MB/sec of read and 220 MB.sec of write speed configured as a RAID 0. Eight stripes/drives will double that.

SATA RAID is very cost effective and has very fast sustainable transfer speeds. So, it depends on the format of video you are using and the number of video tracks you need active.
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