QT movie/ DVD Studio Pro Crises

Posted by envisaging 
QT movie/ DVD Studio Pro Crises
February 15, 2007 11:57AM
I have been trying to solve this for 2 weeks now and still no luck. I'm trying to make a DVD of my doc feature that is 1:39 running time. I've done this with a previous feature with no problem. I've made shorter DVD's this week so I know it isn't DVD studio Pro. I can play the QT movie fine in QT player.

Ok, here's the skinny in toto... I'm working off of 2 firewire drives. I've finally been able to export the m2v movie which opens fine in Quicktime Player. I've imported it along with it's corresponding aif file into DVD studio pro. I tried it with and without a menu and was able to "simulate it" just fine. However, both times, when I go to format and burn a disk, it comes up with I/O error. I have the m2v and aif on the internal hard drive. I have the DVD studio project on the same internal hard drive, so after the intial burn of the m2v, I'm not engaging the firewire drives at all.

Here is the log from DVD studio Pro:
Starting DVD Build TORCH_V2...
Compiler Initializing...
Precompiling Project TORCH_V2
Compiling VMG Information...
Created 7 PGCs in VTSM1
Created 8 PGCs in VMG.
1 Menu(s) will be created...
Compiling Menu PGCs...
Compiling Menu#1 (Menu 1)...
Rendering Menu:Menu 1,Language:1...
1 VTSs and 1 Titles will be created...
Compiling VTS#1 (Track 1)...
Muxing VTS_01_1.VOB
Linking VMG...
Linking VTS#1...
Writing VTS#1...
Writing VMG...
Writing Layout Info...
Compile Completed Successfully

Warning: The directory ?/Users/jodibins/Desktop/The Torch DVD's/PAR? will not be included in the final disc.

Warning: The file ?The Torch v.2.aif? found in the VIDEO_TS or HVDVD_TS folder will not be included in the final disc.

Warning: The file ?The Torch v.2.m2v? found in the VIDEO_TS or HVDVD_TS folder will not be included in the final disc.

Warning: The directory ?/Users/jodibins/Desktop/The Torch DVD's/Torch v2.dspproj? will not be included in the final disc.

Warning: The file ?TORCH_V2.layout? found in the VIDEO_TS or HVDVD_TS folder will not be included in the final disc.

Warning: The file ?VOB_DATA.LAY? found in the VIDEO_TS or HVDVD_TS folder will not be included in the final disc.
Start formatting
Formatting as Standard DVD
Simulation mode is off
Lossless linking is on
Number of layers is 1
Doing side 1 of 1
Playable in region 1,2,3,4,5,6,8
Disc size is 12 cm
Disc has no copyright material
Writing ISO 9660 directories
Writing UDF 1.02 structures
Writing files
I/O error.

I/O error.
Formatting finished.

The formatting job was canceled by the user.
Starting DVD Build TORCH_V2...
Compiler Initializing...
Precompiling Project TORCH_V2
Compiling VMG Information...
Created 6 PGCs in VTSM1

No First Play assigned.
Created 8 PGCs in VMG.
0 Menu(s) will be created...
Compiling Menu PGCs...
Writing VTS_01_0.VOB
1 VTSs and 1 Titles will be created...
Compiling VTS#1 (Track 1)...
Writing VTS_01_0.VOB
Muxing VTS_01_1.VOB
Linking VMG...
Linking VTS#1...
Writing VTS#1...
Writing VMG...
Writing Layout Info...
Compile Completed Successfully

Warning: The directory ?/Users/jodibins/Desktop/The Torch DVD's/PAR? will not be included in the final disc.

Warning: The file ?The Torch v.2.aif? found in the VIDEO_TS or HVDVD_TS folder will not be included in the final disc.

Warning: The file ?The Torch v.2.m2v? found in the VIDEO_TS or HVDVD_TS folder will not be included in the final disc.

Warning: The directory ?/Users/jodibins/Desktop/The Torch DVD's/Torch v2.dspproj? will not be included in the final disc.

Warning: The file ?TORCH_V2.layout? found in the VIDEO_TS or HVDVD_TS folder will not be included in the final disc.

Warning: The file ?VOB_DATA.LAY? found in the VIDEO_TS or HVDVD_TS folder will not be included in the final disc.
Start formatting
Formatting as Standard DVD
Simulation mode is off
Lossless linking is on
Number of layers is 1
Doing side 1 of 1
Playable in region 1,2,3,4,5,6,8
Disc size is 12 cm
Disc has no copyright material
Writing ISO 9660 directories
Writing UDF 1.02 structures
Writing files
I/O error.

Re: QT movie/ DVD Studio Pro Crises
February 15, 2007 12:09PM
All that "warning" suff is normal so ignore that. The I/O error is only thing that is relevant. So first question is, how much storage you got left on that internal drive?

Michael Horton
Re: QT movie/ DVD Studio Pro Crises
February 15, 2007 12:12PM
Can your DVD burner actually burn a DVD? That I/O error at the time the files are being written to the media is telling you there is a problem with the mechanism's ability to burn.
Re: QT movie/ DVD Studio Pro Crises
February 15, 2007 12:22PM
99 GB
Re: QT movie/ DVD Studio Pro Crises
February 15, 2007 12:23PM
Yes, it burned fine earlier this week on 2 much smaller projects. No problems there
Re: QT movie/ DVD Studio Pro Crises
February 15, 2007 12:56PM
<<<Yes, it burned fine earlier this week on 2 much smaller projects. No problems there>>>

That may be a clue.

Want to do a straight DVD Burner Test?

Find or create 4GB to 4.1 GB of any sort of files. Doesn't have to be video although they happen to come out the largest naturally. Don't go over 4.1GB.

Close all programs.

Put a blank DVD into the burner and OK the opening dialog. Drag the 4GB of work over to the disk and burn. Do that three times. Unlike creating a Movie DVD, OSX surgically checks its work when it burns a Data DVD and will turn up any mechanical or ordinary burn problems.

If your blank disks fail, try it again with Sony DVD-R disks.

Re: QT movie/ DVD Studio Pro Crises
February 15, 2007 01:11PM
One of the error messages was
"No first play assigned"
Do any of the elements in the graphical display have the disk icon on top of it?
If you have somehow set it to not have a first play choice this could be messing you up.


Sleeplings, AWAKE!
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