FCP 5.1.4 doesn't have Boris FXs

Posted by youngeddie 
FCP 5.1.4 doesn't have Boris FXs
March 07, 2007 05:24PM
Hello and thanks in advance for any help you might be able to give me!

I just installed FCP 5.1.4 and the Boris FXs didn't show up. I've been to the Boris FX site, but I can't find any information there.

Does anyone have any idea why the Boris FXs didn't get installed???

Please let me know.



Re: FCP 5.1.4 doesn't have Boris FXs
March 07, 2007 09:34PM
Always check the FAQ


Michael Horton
Re: FCP 5.1.4 doesn't have Boris FXs
March 07, 2007 11:26PM
Hi Mike,

Thanks very much for getting back to me.

Can you please tell me which patch (and where I can find it) I'm suppose to look for. I've down loaded several things updates today, but I'm not having any luck.

I've been at this more or less all day.

Thanks very very much for your help.


P.S. Thanks too for all your hard work putting the new letter together. It's great!!!
Re: FCP 5.1.4 doesn't have Boris FXs
March 08, 2007 01:21AM
Hello again.

What I'm trying to say is, what is the name of the Boris FX plug-in and do you where I can find the update.

The Boris FX site doesn't have a Boris CC 5.1. patch that I can see. I'm sure it's there, but maybe it's got a different name.

Thanks so much,

Re: FCP 5.1.4 doesn't have Boris FXs
March 08, 2007 02:23AM
Should be right here


Continuum Complete 4.01 Update for Final Cut Pro 5.1 users only

Michael Horton
Re: FCP 5.1.4 doesn't have Boris FXs
March 08, 2007 02:33AM
Thanks Mike,

I had no idea that it was Continuum Complete. I've been looking for Graffiti updates all day. Somehow I got it in my head that that was the name.

Thanks very very much for clearing that up.

Re: FCP 5.1.4 doesn't have Boris FXs
March 08, 2007 01:13PM
Hi Mike,

At this point, inside my Generators folder, I've got a demo of Boris Graffiti 5, a Boris Vector Shape and BCC4 Generators (brick cloth, wood etc. which is really nice) but still no Boris 3D or Boris Title Crawl.

Do you know where I find the Boris 3D Type and Title Crawl plug-ins?

Thanks again for your help!

Re: FCP 5.1.4 doesn't have Boris FXs
March 08, 2007 01:21PM
You would find those in an older version of FCP assuming they are gone. I think they are in the extras folder on the install CD.

Michael Horton
Re: FCP 5.1.4 doesn't have Boris FXs
March 08, 2007 01:55PM
I found these items in the Extras folder on the FCP Sutie install disk.

DVX-100 Audio Sync Tool
EDL Access
Frame Rate Converter
Head Leaders for Cinema Tools
LiveType Extras

I didn't see any sign of the Boris 3D Type or the Title Crawl in any of those folders.

Is there any other place I can look?



P.S. I'm very sorry to bother you all this, but I can't work on the previous projects I've done in FCP that use those plugins, so I've really got to work this out. Thanks for your time and patience.
Re: FCP 5.1.4 doesn't have Boris FXs
March 08, 2007 02:02PM
Hi Mike,

I think what I'm looking for is "Boris Calligraphy".

I'm still looking...


Re: FCP 5.1.4 doesn't have Boris FXs
March 08, 2007 02:40PM
Actually, the Boris patch for 5.1 FCP is fairly old. It's a work around patch to address the issue that were supposed to be fixed with FCP 5.1.4 - apparently Apple broke several things in the frameworks and it's been hell for the developers. From what I'm gathering, some folks are able to use Boris CC fine with FCP 5.1.4 now and others are still not feeling the love. I'm investigating still. It was my original understanding that this was slated to be "fixed" with FCP 6.

I don't really recommend the Boris patch, the work arounds are almost more painful for the user than the problems. And if you startup with your caps lock on, you blow the whole patch and have to perform is again. Not fun.

Geoff Miller
MadCow Studios
Burbank, CA
Re: FCP 5.1.4 doesn't have Boris FXs
March 08, 2007 02:45PM

5.1 doesnt break Calligraphy does it? Or does it? I'm still on 5.0.4

Michael Horton
Re: FCP 5.1.4 doesn't have Boris FXs
March 08, 2007 03:08PM
I'm not sure it breaks Calligraphy, specifically, but it's been breaking various filters or all filters - I'm not sure of the exact tilting point. It seems that it mostly affects the transition based filters - so this may include calligraphy.

Word from Boris is that this rev of FCP did NOT address the broken filter problems. They stated that Apple is aware of it and have it slated for the next major release (FCP 6). Kinda sucks but what's an editor to do. I've got clients that are making me backdate them to previous FCP version just so that they can keep working.

I'd stay on 5.0xx for now. If you're filter heavy, you might get more grief than joy. I'll see if I can get an answer out of Boris on the exact specifics of what and what isn't broken.

[EDIT] Okay, here's the skinny. Transitions are broken in 5.1.2 and up. 5.1 will work, but you have to use the Boris patch and it's not elegant. Calligraphy should not be broken in any version of FCP 5.1.xx. If you're on FCP 5.0.4, stay, if you're happy and working. Apple has not seeded ANY of the developers FCP 6, so they can't say for sure if the issue is fixed, but stringing the Apple statements together point to the FCP release.

-Geoff Miller
MadCow Studios
Burbank, CA
Re: FCP 5.1.4 doesn't have Boris FXs
March 08, 2007 03:46PM
Hi Geoff,

Thanks for information. I'm looking forward to hearing what you find out about the Calligraphy plug-in and the 5.1.4 upgrade.

Thanks very much!!!

Re: FCP 5.1.4 doesn't have Boris FXs
March 08, 2007 06:35PM
Are various filters not working properly in 5.1, or did this problem only start with the subsequent fcp upgrades?

I'm between projects now, so I'm tempted to start a series of upgrades from current fcp suite 5.0.4 (I have the crossgrade discs sitting here waiting to get started). But I don't want problems with transitions, filters, calligraphy, etc. Does this mean I should stay with 5.0.4 for the long haul?

A couple reasons I kinda want to upgrade fairly soon is (1) i have a window of time now between projects and no telling how long before the next window. (2) although I haven't yet had a request to edit hdv, I'd like to start doing some trial stuff editing and conforming hdv, so I know what I'm in for when I get a request. I understand that 5.1 is speedier than 5.0.4 conforming hdv. But I don't want broken filters, and other broken stuff.

Any advice? Stay with 5.0.4? or upgrade to what version?
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