DVCPROHD Codec Issue on a Mac Mini Using AE

Posted by rgdfilms 
DVCPROHD Codec Issue on a Mac Mini Using AE
March 24, 2007 07:39PM

I am editing a short film using the DVCPROHD codec at 720p24 within FCP

I outputted each clip (6 total) individually as self-contained quicktime files at their full original resolution - Burned them to a disc and gave them to my After Effects artist who is running AE 6.5 on a new Mac Mini - He doesn't have FCP 5.1 installed on his machine but does have the latest version of Tiger as well as the most recent version of Quicktime, he does not have Quicktime Pro installed -

He opened my clips in AE as well as in the Quicktime player but can't see anything - I tried emailing him my quicktime codec files but all he got was a bunch of errors when trying to install

Any ideas ?

Re: DVCPROHD Codec Issue on a Mac Mini Using AE
March 24, 2007 08:10PM
They need to have FCP installed to get the DVCPRO HD components.

You can see if you can find them in the Quicktime folder in the HARD DRIVE>LIBRARY and see if you can copy them to a drive, and have them install them in their QT folder.


Listen to THE EDIT BAY Podcast on iTunes
Re: DVCPROHD Codec Issue on a Mac Mini Using AE
March 24, 2007 10:55PM
Thanks a lot Shane - will try this out
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