Easy way to edit HDV in SD

Posted by MIXTEKA 
Easy way to edit HDV in SD
April 01, 2007 07:25PM
Hey all, I have a project that has already been captured in native HDV format in FCP5 on a G5 Quad, however, I was wondering what the easiest way to downcovert this already captured footage to DV NTSC so that I can edit on my older G4 at home, then online the final SD sequence back to HDV for a HDV master. This will help me to make SD screeners as well.

I edit in HDV all the time on my G5 Quad at work, but never had the need to downconvert for offline editing. Also, with HDV, I always have to downconvert for SD screeners and it is quite time consuming.

If I just export all of the HDV footage to another drive in DV NTSC Anamorphic format, work in SD (making subclips, and breaking down all of the scenes, filters, etc) will it all connect back to HDV if I just make a copy of the project on the drive with the HDV footage and copy/paste my offline clips from my SD sequence into an HDV timeline and reconnect??? Or will there be issues in the way FCP 5 reconnects?

I've read posts of how to initially capture in SD or RT offline, then recapture in HDV, but I want to avoid recapturing anything if possible...or if anyone has some guidance on what I can do to be able to edit in SD on my G4, then take it back to the G5 Quad at the post house where I work...

Thanks for any help in this matter...

Re: Easy way to edit HDV in SD
April 01, 2007 07:41PM
You could use Media Manager and use the recompress function. You should then be able to edit and then use media manager to create an offline in HDV reconnecting to the original media. I would only do this for a rough cut and not for a finished edit that might include freeze frames and speed changes. I'd leave all effects and titling until the finish stage.
Re: Easy way to edit HDV in SD
April 01, 2007 08:55PM
Thanks, I will try that...

Re: Easy way to edit HDV in SD
April 01, 2007 09:38PM
One more question Tom: if I create subclips of different takes in my SD project, and name the subclips Scene 01/01, 01/03, 01A/01, Scene 05/01, etc, when I go to online in HDV, it will still recognize the master clip names, correct? (from Tape001, Tape002, etc)...

In other words, the subclips will still reference Tape001, etc and give me the correct clips?

(not sure if I am being clear...)
The HDV tapes were captured in their entirety named Tape001, Tape002, etc. I want to recompress all of these to SD, do all of my scene breakdown and subclips in SD with names referencing the scenes, takes...then online the sequence which will have subclips named with scenes etc...I am correct in assuming that FCP will still reference these to the HDV master footage named Tape001, etc....

Re: Easy way to edit HDV in SD
April 01, 2007 09:52PM
Do NOT name clips with forward slashes. That's UNIX designation for a file path. Use underscores.

It will ask for files with the original file names. If you haven't changed the names it should reconnect to the original material without trouble. Capturing tapes in their entirety is not the best process for this scenario. Subclipping the material and renaming your clips will just compound the confusion because the offline material will need to be reconnected based on the original file names. You may end up doing this clip by clip, looking at the file path in logging info and then reconnecting to the correctly named clip. If you reconnect to the wrong clips your whole edit will be hosed. Personally, considering the way you started, I wouldn't go down this road. I'd give up the offline concept on the G5.
Re: Easy way to edit HDV in SD
April 01, 2007 09:52PM
> One more question Tom: if I create subclips of different takes in my SD project, and name
> the subclips Scene 01/01, 01/03, 01A/01, Scene 05/01, etc, when I go to online in HDV, it
> will still recognize the master clip names, correct?
> In other words, the subclips will still reference Tape001, etc and give me the correct clips?

It should...however, under no circumstance must you include "/" in a clip name. It can confuse the hell out of the OS file system. Also, subclips can mess with the recapture process, especially if you use Media Manager.

Re: Easy way to edit HDV in SD
April 01, 2007 09:55PM
The God of Simultaneous Posts strikes again...|}

Before you do an online, always export a high-ish quality movie file of your entire edit with at least timeline timecode burnt into the image. Preferably, add a timecode burn-in to individual clips as well. If the online/Media Manager go kaflooey, it will help your conform a great deal.

Re: Easy way to edit HDV in SD
April 01, 2007 10:43PM
Got it, thanks a million for the guidance...you guys are the best.

Re: Easy way to edit HDV in SD
April 02, 2007 08:44PM
I have to add that is IS possible to have success with all of this. Just be careful and deliberate. Do an experiment with a sample short edit and see how it comes out.

Also, you can use Batch Export to make new downrezzed clips that keep the timecode.

Christopher S. Johnson
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