PCI EXpress G5 ATI

Posted by Ken Stone 
PCI EXpress G5 ATI
April 29, 2007 12:40AM
Hi Guys,

This ran at my board, thought you might be interested.

AUTHOR: Steve Douglas
DATE: Saturday, April 28 2007, at 8:31 p.m.

As I was ordering my new Final Cut Studio today I asked about graphics cards
for the pre intel chipped G5s. They have come out with the PCI EXpress G5 ATI
Radeon Z1900 GT, 512MB for $349.00. Now myself and probably several
others with the early G5's will be able to take advantage of Color if they
choose to.
Re: PCI EXpress G5 ATI
April 29, 2007 12:54AM
Its interesting, for a while now the Dual 2.0 Ghz G5 with PCI-X slots has been considered the "minimum" HD editing Mac (one that could edit HD with a Kona or Blackmagic card and Final Cut Pro). What do you guys think: after the Final Cut Studio 2 announcement, what is the current minimum system that would allow HD capture card editing without hic-ups?

- Christopher S. Johnson
Re: PCI EXpress G5 ATI
April 29, 2007 01:12AM
after the Final Cut Studio 2 announcement, what is the current minimum system that would allow HD capture card editing without hic-ups?

Why would this change? I still plan on using my Dual 2Ghz G5. Works just fine now, why would the release of FCPS 2 change that, and make it suddenly not work?


Listen to THE EDIT BAY Podcast on iTunes
Re: PCI EXpress G5 ATI
April 29, 2007 01:23AM
I wasnt sure how an open format timeline would behave on the Dual 2 G5. And then there is Color.

- Christopher S. Johnson
Re: PCI EXpress G5 ATI
April 29, 2007 02:46PM
Ken Stone Wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> This ran at my board, thought you might be
> interested.
> --ken
> ----------------------
> AUTHOR: Steve Douglas
> . They have come out
> with the PCI EXpress G5 ATI
> Radeon Z1900 GT, 512MB for $349.00.
> Steve

I ask - Who is they - APPLE?
Re: PCI EXpress G5 ATI
April 29, 2007 02:55PM
Hi John,

Steve Douglas called the Apple store and spoke to a rep. I guess that these cards are now available from apple.

If you need more info you can write Steve.

Steve Douglas <steve-sharksdelight@cox.net>

Re: PCI EXpress G5 ATI
April 29, 2007 08:25PM
FYI, this is available from the Apple online store.

- Justin Barham -
Re: PCI EXpress G5 ATI
April 30, 2007 10:37AM
It might depend on when you got your G5. I have a Dual 2.3GHz G5 (early 2005) and it has PCI-X slots, not PCI-EXpress (late 2005). I haven't yet seen a way to beef up the graphics card on a PCI-X Mac for use with Color. Please do tell me I'm wrong.
Re: PCI EXpress G5 ATI
April 30, 2007 11:32AM
Craig, I see where you are coming from...Using FCP Studio 2 on an older mac. And I guess that was what the original question was supposed to be asking:

What do you guys think: after the Final Cut Studio 2 announcement, what is the current minimum system that would allow HD capture card editing without hic-ups?

I was just saying that even though FCP Studio 2 was ANNOUNCED...the minimum required for capture and edit of HD hasn't changed. You can still use FCP 5 and your current setup to work with many HD formats. But I suppose the question was what setup WITH FCP STUDIO 2 was the minimum required.

But I do think you can get a PCI-x Graphics card like the Nvidia x800 and be able to work with Color. But, can't tell until you get FCP Studio 2 in hand.


Listen to THE EDIT BAY Podcast on iTunes
Re: PCI EXpress G5 ATI
April 30, 2007 05:12PM
PCI EXpress G5 ATI
> Radeon Z1900 GT, 512MB for $349.00. Now myself and

Actually, it is the X1900 GT which has 256MB Vram not tha 512 MB that comes on the MacPro version of the X1900 XT.

This card has been available for some time and remember- it blocks an additional PCI slot.
Re: PCI EXpress G5 ATI
May 01, 2007 09:16AM
My older mac is 2 years old in May. The frustrating thing about Mac purchases is not the speed bumps or that they start to include something you need to purchase as an add on, it's when they make a fundamental technology change just a couple of months after purchase. This happened to me when they went from PCI-X to PCI-EXpress, making my Mac "old" at just two months or so.

Thanks for the graphics card tip, I do hope I find a PCI-X solution. My work tends not to be render intensive so I usually stretch the life of a system to about 3 years before it becomes a "secondary" work station. I don't need Color to be fast, I just need it to be functional.

Shane Ross Wrote:
> Craig, I see where you are coming from...Using FCP
> Studio 2 on an older mac.
. . .
> But I do think you can get a PCI-x Graphics card
> like the Nvidia x800 and be able to work with
> Color. But, can't tell until you get FCP Studio 2
> in hand.
Re: PCI EXpress G5 ATI
May 02, 2007 01:46PM
Craig, I'm in the same boat as you, just when you think you have yourself a screaming machine to work with, 6 months later it becomes old news.

Would you keep us updated on your hunt for graphic card upgrading?

signed: a member of the gray bearded "PCI-X" set

Cameron Young
Re: PCI EXpress G5 ATI
May 02, 2007 04:57PM
For the reasons you state, I've got a hunch the MacPros are about to go through a design change (within the year at least) I'd much rather look into geting a PCI-X card that'll work with Color if possible. I'd rather buy a new Mac and the leading edge of a change than during a tail end.

camshaft Wrote:
> Craig, I'm in the same boat as you, just when you
> think you have yourself a screaming machine to
> work with, 6 months later it becomes old news.
> Would you keep us updated on your hunt for graphic
> card upgrading?
> signed: a member of the gray bearded "PCI-X" set
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