using handicam for capture

Posted by talkingeyes 
using handicam for capture
May 28, 2007 04:39PM
I don't want to use my DVX100A to capture footage and I do not have a deck at the moment. I do have a little Sony Digital Handicam. If I use that to capture my Panasonic AMQ tapes, will it cause any problems for the tapes or playback? Thanks.
Re: using handicam for capture
May 29, 2007 03:33AM
don't think you'll have any luck as they're quite different formats.
cant imagine you'll damage the tapes in any way, but the little sony probably wont be able to read the pany tapes

use the camera to digitise. it wont kill it!

whole tape captures would be the least wear and tear.
and logging the whole tape/s is the safest way to achieve that
if your tapes are still tail out pop them in, find the and of your recording,,
log that as an out point in L&C window,
then guess the beginning (5.00? 25.00?
or just rewind the tapes and find it

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