render time

Posted by Cheryl 
render time
June 27, 2007 12:48PM
I'm making a movie with text that crawls across the screen. When I change anything, even a period I have to re-render that whole section plus the one that preceeds it. Any tips how to make this process move quicker?
Re: render time
June 27, 2007 12:52PM
get a faster machine ; )

you are creating a new final product when you change something. and anything it contacts will simply have to be re rendered - just a nature of the beast
Re: render time
June 27, 2007 01:13PM
Would it be any faster if i hooked up my laptop and my tower?
Re: render time
June 27, 2007 01:15PM
No. FCP does not distribute rendering to other machines.

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Re: render time
June 28, 2007 12:28PM
If you are changing just one part of a small segment, wouldn't making a razor cut on either side of that portion (before you change it) make it an independent clip that only needs to rendered rather than rerendering everything including the "section that precedes it"?
Re: render time
June 28, 2007 12:50PM
What a great suggestion! Thanks.
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