output from MAC to dv tape and then re-digi back to PC
July 18, 2007 02:53PM
I know this sounds a little ridiculous but here's my issue...I'm having troubles opening quicktimes in After Effects/Premiere on a PC with the quicktimes that were captured in FCP 5, P2 footage (720x480 DVC PRO50). What we were thinking of doing (as time is limited) is exporting the timeline of this footage to a DV tape and then re-capturing it on the PC....my question is will the quality degrad a lot, since it's being moved around? Or is there another way to solve this problem of reading the quicktime on the PC? Codecs?
Re: output from MAC to dv tape and then re-digi back to PC
July 18, 2007 02:58PM
Yes you will be going from 4:2:2 on DVCpro50 to 4:1:1 DV NTSC losing effectively half the color information/detail.

Especially bad if you are wanting to grade and do FX work.

If you can go out to DVCpro50 on tape then go that way or export from FCP in a CODEC that you can import and transfer via Network or a Hard disk.


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Re: output from MAC to dv tape and then re-digi back to PC
July 18, 2007 03:02PM
The SHEER Codecs from BitJazz are perfect for cross platform work.

Otherwise you need to output to a DVCPRO 50 deck and they need to capture with that deck. But then when they export a file, what format will it be for YOU to work with?

The Sheer codecs are very good. Not well enough known.


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Re: output from MAC to dv tape and then re-digi back to PC
July 18, 2007 03:05PM
<<<via Network>>>

If that fills you with trepidation, make an uncompressed AVI in the Mac and burn it to a data DVD. The PC will read that just fine (old PCs, too) and an uncompressed AVI has minimal or no damage as has been our experience.

Re: output from MAC to dv tape and then re-digi back to PC
July 18, 2007 03:11PM
thanks for the tip, much appreciated.
Re: output from MAC to dv tape and then re-digi back to PC
July 19, 2007 09:56AM
Don't forget that Windows 32bit has a 4 Gig limit on file size!

Kozikowski Wrote:
> <<>>
> If that fills you with trepidation, make an
> uncompressed AVI in the Mac and burn it to a data
> DVD. The PC will read that just fine (old PCs,
> too) and an uncompressed AVI has minimal or no
> damage as has been our experience.
> Koz
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