Need FCP Editor that knows Digital Heaven's Dropout plug-in!

Posted by Retro90 
Need FCP Editor that knows Digital Heaven's Dropout plug-in!
August 03, 2007 08:22AM
I've posted this in the jobs forum, but no help so far! Deadline is almost here and I need help!! ANY suggestions please??

Need a FCP editor with an excellent understanding of using Digital Heaven's DH Dropout plug-in. I've got the pdf and tutorials but just not getting it right. Worth an hour of paid consulting at my home office if you can help. Someone local (Pasadena area) would be good so you don't have to drive for the $. OR I could throw a couple of the sequences on a hard drive and come to your place - anywhere in S. Calif! Possible additional consulting work down the road. $35/hr
Re: Need FCP Editor that knows Digital Heaven's Dropout plug-in!
August 03, 2007 08:40AM

You probably haven't gotten any replies because to be honest with you you're only paying $35 per hr sad smiley Fixing dropouts is tedious work that doesn't exactly go on a demo. I would love to help you with this, but I am not in CA (I'm in Central Florida) and my rate for something like this is $75 per hour. When there's a deadline involved, sometimes it's best to just pay a qualified Artist to do it for you which in most cases is quicker that walking you through the process.


When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: Need FCP Editor that knows Digital Heaven's Dropout plug-in!
August 03, 2007 08:40AM
From memory, all the drop out plug in does is take a part of the frame before or after the frame you are on, and covers the bad areas in the current frame with it.

Actually, I think Martin has some pretty good video tutorials there .. yeah - have a look at the tutes on this page (below the 'System requirements')

Drop Out Tutorials

What problem are you having?

Re: Need FCP Editor that knows Digital Heaven's Dropout plug-in!
August 03, 2007 08:47AM
Yes, I have the tutorials like my post says - but just can't get a clean replacement. Will make it $50/hr if that helps!
Re: Need FCP Editor that knows Digital Heaven's Dropout plug-in!
August 03, 2007 08:48AM
Oh I thought you just had the pdf tutorials.

I'd do it but it's kind of a long way for me to come. smiling smiley

Re: Need FCP Editor that knows Digital Heaven's Dropout plug-in!
August 03, 2007 08:57AM
If something is not working right, write Martin Baker. I'm sure he will give you tips to solve your problem whatever that problem might be.

Michael Horton
Re: Need FCP Editor that knows Digital Heaven's Dropout plug-in!
August 03, 2007 08:59AM
Those tutorials Jude recommended are very thorough. You have to have a lot of patience & tweak the daylights out of it (Advanced Tutorial - wipe / mask softness).

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: Need FCP Editor that knows Digital Heaven's Dropout plug-in!
August 03, 2007 09:06AM
I appreciate everyone's comments and I've gone through the video tutorials and talked with Martin - BUT still not working for me - just need to sit down with someone and do it. If Pasadena is too far I can throw some sequences on a drive and drive almost anywhere in S. Calif to get this done...
Re: Need FCP Editor that knows Digital Heaven's Dropout plug-in!
August 04, 2007 05:42AM
if your route through S.Calif takes you anywhere near Kuala Lumpur I'll be glad to give you a hand
Re: Need FCP Editor that knows Digital Heaven's Dropout plug-in!
August 06, 2007 01:38AM
Andy Mees Wrote:
> if your route through S.Calif takes you anywhere
> near Kuala Lumpur I'll be glad to give you a hand

Is that south on the 405?
Re: Need FCP Editor that knows Digital Heaven's Dropout plug-in!
August 06, 2007 03:18PM
Does your dropout span many frames or fields?

I have used that plug in, and as I recall the tutorial has you cut out a single frame, pick which field is the problem, mask the broken lines and then decide where to get the replacment data.

Some tape drop outs cover more than a single field or frame.

To further complicate things FCP by nature only wants to show you a single field of video in the canvas. You need to set the canvas to 100% of the frame size to see both fields. You may be carefully masking a drop out on the first field, only to be seeing the "other half" of it on the second when you play back.
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