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Special Effect advice to duplicate Rocco Deluca ColorfulPosted by stevieb1972
I was wondering if anyone could point me to the tools, or plugins, or tutorials to do a special effect in which footage is "projected" on to a card/cardboard that someone is holding. Like the first part of Rocco Deluca's "Colorful" music video. Youtube link:
I figure it's some sort of motion tracking to lock the corners of the frame to the card but I would love some advice on how you would go about it. (I can't actually project it because the client wants it outside) Should I prep the Card with trackers in the corners? Paint the card green? Thanks for your thoughts. Thanks Steve OS 10.4.8 Dual 2 GHz G5 3.5 Gig RAM Final Cut Sudio 5.1.4 NO After Effects
I bet the card was green so they could key the footage. And then yes, they probably motion tracked the footage to match the movement and plane of the card. More than likely this was all done in After Effects.
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Possibly. I haven't upgraded to Motion 3 yet but if you were really good with the 3D tools and the motion tracker you might be able to pull it off... I would TEST this solution first, make sure you can do it before you tell the client you can. Or else include the $$ in the budget to hire an AE artist to help you -- the client doesn't have to know! JK _______________________________________ SCQT! Self-contained QuickTime ? pass it on!
AE can DEFINITELY do it. I haven't used it in Motion 3, but I saw the Apple demo and it looks like it can handle it:
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