Estimate on File Size for 90 minute film
August 03, 2007 02:20PM
Has any one ever published a 90 min SD 720x486
movie at 10 bit high quality self contained quicktime.

I was wondering for a client if we could put his 90
minute film and fit it on a 500G external drive for shipping to
the post-house.

Any experience welcome!

Re: Estimate on File Size for 90 minute film
August 03, 2007 02:27PM
That will come out to about 152GB...and it will easily fit.

AJA DATA RATE on the AJA website. VERY handy.

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Re: Estimate on File Size for 90 minute film
August 03, 2007 03:13PM
Thank you very much for your help!

Mark Pigott

Shane Ross Wrote:
> That will come out to about 152GB...and it will
> easily fit.
> website. VERY handy.
Re: Estimate on File Size for 90 minute film
August 03, 2007 03:48PM
I'm getting 141.61 GB (Uncompressed 10-Bit NTSC / 29.97 fps) on my VideoSpace widget:



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Re: Estimate on File Size for 90 minute film
August 03, 2007 06:35PM
I like both but they come out with different storage rates, like these two closest matches i could find in each:


NTSC DV50, 1 hour= 26.59 GB


DVCPRO50 NTSC, 1 hour= 24.76 GB


NTSC DV25, 1 hour= 13.64 GB


DV/DVCPRO 25, 1 hour= 12.7 GB.

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- Loren
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Re: Estimate on File Size for 90 minute film
August 03, 2007 08:54PM
DV/DVCPRO 50 is larger than DV/DVCPRO 25. So both are right.

Re: Estimate on File Size for 90 minute film
August 03, 2007 09:26PM
Does the AJA calculator include sound options? There's some tweak-ability in VideoSpace.

500GB should be plenty.
Re: Estimate on File Size for 90 minute film
August 03, 2007 09:29PM

[DV/DVCPRO 50 is larger than DV/DVCPRO 25. So both are right.]

?? Look at those examples again for me? 50 and 25 are quite separate.

- Loren
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Apply a default AUDIO transition with Command-Option-T !

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Re: Estimate on File Size for 90 minute film
August 03, 2007 09:33PM
Oh sorry - I read that wrong. I read it three times too!

Re: Estimate on File Size for 90 minute film
August 03, 2007 11:53PM
the difference is too big for audio.
are you sure you've got the same frame rates on both?

Re: Estimate on File Size for 90 minute film
August 03, 2007 11:56PM
> the difference is too big for audio.

I wonder about that...we're talking about 90 minutes at full quality. Also, if we're talking about the difference between eight channels and two, I think it's possible.
Re: Estimate on File Size for 90 minute film
August 04, 2007 12:16AM
audio may well be the factor.
im doing the same calculation on my end and im getting

AJA DV25 (w audio): 13.64 (check!)
DH DV25 (w audio): 13.64
DH DV25 (no audio): 12.95 (Close but not what Loren;s getting)

AJA DV50 (w audio): 26.59
DH DV50 (w audio): 26.59
DH DV50 (no audio): 25.9

what's strange is that Loren's DV difference (.94)
is roughly twice the DV50 difference (1.83)

what's stranger is it's Saturday afternoon and the sun is out..
and what am i doing ????!!!!

Re: Estimate on File Size for 90 minute film
August 04, 2007 03:35PM
Let me spill the beans....the reason that they don't match is that by default the AJA calculator uses decimal calculation of MB and GB where 1GB=1000MB. However, the OS X file system uses binary calculations where 1GB=1024MB so we decided that VideoSpace should work the same way.

If you look in the AJA preferences, you'll see there's an explanation about this and you have the option to change the mode to binary calculation, after which you'll see that the figures match exactly with VideoSpace.

I hope that clears it up!

Martin Baker
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