Quality Backup: Self Contained QT vs. Print to Video Clip

Posted by alwerj 
Quality Backup: Self Contained QT vs. Print to Video Clip
August 13, 2007 06:49PM
Hi everyone, does anyone have any thing to say about which method may provide a better quality back up?...A self contained exported quicktime clip, or a Printed to Video Copy of the clip...then re-imported (for instance if the clip had been color corrected). I'm simply wondering about quality (not convenience etc.). I know there can be color issues when printing to video...i.e 7.5 vs 0 black levels etc. I however am simply using HDV, and the video camera that filmed the footage as a deck.
Re: Quality Backup: Self Contained QT vs. Print to Video Clip
August 13, 2007 06:52PM
I'd do both. Print to Video is not my preferred method, but it should do. A tape copy is, to me, an essential part of every important cut of a project, especially the final step. It is a robust copy will allow you to meet deadlines if your computer blows up and all your drives conk out. At the same time, a self-contained, full-quality movie file allows you a huge degree of versatility (eg. burn to video DVD, make compressed web versions of the show, adjust colour correction, add titles, even serve as a backup if your original clips and master tapes are fried). So I'd recommend doing both.

HDV's not a mastering format, though, and being none too familiar with it, I don't know how good a tape copy would be.

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