Sharing projecet between 2 computers

Posted by xavpil 
Sharing projecet between 2 computers
August 24, 2007 07:20PM
I need to finish a job that was started by someone else in another location.
It is a 2 minute spot. I don't need all the footage used to create the spot. Just the media linked to this spot.
What is the best way to get the project to my computer: Quicktime file, XML file....

Re: Sharing projecet between 2 computers
August 24, 2007 11:36PM
use the Media Manager.

select the sequence, (or anything you want really, MM will work with multiple sequences, or bins, or combinations of the two)
then right or control click on your selection and choose "Media Manger"
File Menu > Media Manager

then use MM to COPY the media across to another drive, or to your system.
if the sequnce is really locked, or very close,
you could "Delete Unused" and add some handles for safety.

Re: Sharing projecet between 2 computers
August 24, 2007 11:54PM
Thanks for helping.
So If I understood correctly, I need a drive to share the project.
Can I burn the media and project onto a DVD? The sequence is 2 min long and I just need the media related to this spot?
Re: Sharing projecet between 2 computers
August 25, 2007 12:37AM
you could easily Media Manage (MM) the spot to a new location on the existing drive,
then burn that to a DVD.

not sure what you needs to do with the spot,
but MM (as opposed to an export) gives you all the raw elements, making it easier to grade, add effects, re-version or make text-less versions if needed.

probably the best MM settings would be:
- COPY (from the pulldown)

- Delete Unused (if your really want to trim to just what was used plus some handles)
(not Deleting Unused would work if the footage was logged and captured)
- Handles (worth getting at least a second... they can get you out of a jam!)

- Base Media File Names on: Clip Names

(Again if the footage was properly logged and captured, the clip names may already be the same as the file names.
but if it was a whole tape capture with subclips made, then this will ensure the files YOU work with are closer to the clip names.

- YES you want a new project
MM generally works by making new media AND a new project that references that media
otherwise you get a bunch of media files, but no way to put them all back together.


just a note: if you delete unused you wont be able to reconnect your work to the original media.
it'a a one-way situation.
if you want to work off-site, and then bring what you do back to the original system:
- DONT delete unused
- Base Media File Names on: File Names
- YES you want a new project

Re: Sharing projecet between 2 computers
August 25, 2007 01:42PM
I'll try, thanks!
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