In regards to Thumbnail Settings...

Posted by mark@avolution 
In regards to Thumbnail Settings...
August 31, 2007 03:21PM
Just for the interest of discussion, I was told by
a technician at Ciprico that the default settings for the
Thumbnail Cache are way to low for even DV playback.

(I was asking for assistance as I was constantly getting
dropped frames on (playback only) 10 bit uncompressed SD with a
UL4D coupled to a Huge U320S array.)

So I changed the two settings up to 30 000k for both "defaults"
and my previously dropping sequence played fine!

(Now this dropping was occurring from a two back to back clips with
kiss black transitions)

Anyhow, has anyone else had to raise this number on their FCP rig,
and if so; have you noticed (as well) that it will mitigate dropped frames?


Mark R. Pigott
Avolution Multimedia
Sarnia, ON Canada
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