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Creating a QT MoviePosted by Delphinus
All of a sudden I am having an imposible time creating a QT movie in FCP 4.5 HD. I imported a QT movie into my timeline, made a few changes, then tried over and over again to convert the project into another QT movie. However, every time I do this, I get the spinning color wheel, and I have to close FCP, re-start the computer in order to fire up FCP again. I've created many QT movies this way and all of a sudden everything freezes up. I ran Disk Utility on my main drive, dumped the FCP plist preference, and stil no difference. There is over 100GB on the drive I am sending it to, so there is no disk space issue. Any ideas, before I go nuts?
You didn't mention what exactly you did to the clip so there's only a limited number of "stock" options to try.
1. Dump render files, re-render, try the export again. 2. Take the clip offline (SHIFT-D, "Leave Files on Disk", reconnect media, try again. 3. Check the entire timeline to see if there's garbage far down the timeline, which can result in your attempting to export a two-hour movie file without knowing it. 4. Check System Settings - Limit Export File Size to ?????. 5. Copy to a new timeline with matching settings, try again. 6. Copy to a new project with matching settings, try again. www.derekmok.com
>>There is over 100GB on the drive I am sending it to, so there is no disk space issue<<
You must always consider the system drive in any scenario, even if it's "not involved" in the process. The OS uses the system drive for many housekeeping functions, especially for complex operations like video. So check its remaining space, and be sure it is at least 10% free. Likewise, other connected drives should have at least 10% free, even if they are also "not involved", but the system drive is the most important to keep healthy. Scott
All of my drives have at least 20% remaining, plus I have dumped render file sand re-rendered as suggested by derekmok. No difference. When I mark the in and out and go to Export Quicktime Movie, I initially get the spinning film reel, then I get the spinning color ball. I then have to shut down the entire computer to bring FCP back on line. Again, I dumped the FCP plist and put the master drive through DiskWarrior. No difference. All I did wat import an existing QT Movie, so a few video edits to it, then try to create another QT movie from that ,,, mostly because a project with any edits usually does not play well, i.e., I have to convert projects with any edits into a continual QT movie to transfer to a DV or Betacam tape.
You might want to try these tricks as well:
- Open your original clips in QT and save them with different names. Then use those instead. - Try exporting reference instead of self-contained from the FCP - Double check to see that your sequence has the same settings with your clips (most likely cause for problems)
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