Got Leopard? Post your problems/joys/thoughts herePosted by Michael Horton
well, i have leopard on a clean install on a blank 80gig partition on my mac pro, works nice there I'll tell you what, don't do anything but MAN it can play itunes soo good....oh and surprisingly to all you roto and heavy vfx guys, mocha kicks ass on it, I randomly grabbed it and tried. Still the only application I've seen utilize my computer to that extent.
on my laptop I cloned over using super duper (shirtpocket.com) and than installed, everything seems to be doing ok, took about 80 to 90 min to do the upgrade, vs about 25 min to do a clean install but I'm guessing thats do to, A what's going on as far as transferring files, an B the fact that one is 2 years old and has about 1/8 the processing power. but on the laptop, I don't notice any speed increase, just a bit more fun to kick around. I've been using virtue desktops for months on my tower, and it never worked right on my laptop, so it's nice to have spaces. other than than It's shiny...doesn't that count?
Digidesign warns that Leopard is not compatible with Pro Tools at all:
Information on Pro Tools Compatibility with Mac OS X Leopard Because Pro Tools software will not function with Leopard at this time, please wait to upgrade your operating system if you're using Pro Tools on a Mac until we officially announce Leopard support. Initial Leopard-compatibility with Pro Tools will not include support for Avid Mojo and Avid Mojo SDI, however support for Avid video peripherals is expected in a future Pro Tools compatibility update. Michael Horton -------------------
Hey guys,
Like Shane says, Adobe Apps. work fine on Leopard. I actually worked with Photoshop CS3, After Effects CS3, Shake and FCS with no problems at all on my older Mac Mirror Door G4 1.25 GHz and iMac G5 2GHz, but I haven't open Motion yet to see how it behaves. One thing did happened after installing Leopard, it deleted Maya from the application folder so I had to reinstall it. I haven't installed it on my precious Macbook Pro yet but I'm sure it'll be fine. Zia
Ok heres a quick rundown of the problems/issues I've had so far on Dual 2GHz PPC G5...
After first install everything ran fine then I had a KeyChain access issue which wanted me to reset all my keychain. [This has since been sorted in an Apple update [docs.info.apple.com] ] Export KeyChain or simply copying the System.keychain file didn't work so I had to manually enter all the Passwords and User from my backup HDD and my laptop! [Grrr] Then after a day or so everything started to slow down to an unusable point. Apps would hang and requiring a force quit to get working again and on the odd occasion the Mac would hang so a hard reset (hold power key for 5+ seconds) was needed. I searched a few forums for slowdown and found that a quick run over with the New Beta version Onyx [www.titanium.free.fr] might help and it did... ...a bit. But it also said my System HDD had an error which needed fixing in Disk Utility so I booted up my MBP connected it via FireWire, set the G5 to Target disk mode (hold T key on boot) and ran it, fixed it... ...and then STUPIDLY clicked repair disk permissions without thinking. (Homer J. Simspon moment) NOTE TO ALL: Only repair disk permissions using the exactly SAME OS!! Now I know this and frantically clicked stop, however the damage was done and it had messed up the permissions on Leopard enough to stop certain apps from loading or opening files! So, a simple and relatively painless re-install of Leopard was necessary. [A freshly Brewed Pure Columbian Coffee later... well a whole 4 cup Cafetiere and a game on the Wii later to be exact] After the reinstall everything was working fine again, however I still wanted to run the repair disk permissions (which you can do from your System disk in Disk Utilities) to iron out any weirdness. Now unlike Panther/Tiger; Leopard takes a long time to Repair Disk permissions (or at least to show what permissions it is repairing!) so if you run this, allow plenty of time and let it run it's course. If it takes more than an hour then there maybe something else wrong like an HDD error which you will need to repair using your Leopard install disk or another Mac (WITH THE SAME LEOPARD INSTALLED!!!) connected via FireWire before running the Repair Disk permissions again. After that everything seemed to be running fine... yay! ...spoke too soon ![]() The new 6.0.2 update for FCP took a lot longer to open to the point you would think it has crashed then it seemed to have loaded fine after what felt like 5 minutes a lifetime when your client is sitting next to you! I ran some more tests and checked all my installed fonts - fonts being one of the first things you should check if apps take a long time to load or crashes on loading. On loading Font Book - I highlighted all my fonts and then selected File>Validate Fonts - deleting any Fonts that had serious problems (I had 117 serious problems!!!) FCP now seems to load as quickly as before. [REALLY SERIOUS ISSUES... Possibly] There are a couple of on-going bugs that I cannot find a solution to and they are: UserEventAgent crashes when connecting a FireWire Drive or booting with a FireWire Drive connected and apparently certain USB peripherals see threads: [forums.macrumors.com] & [discussions.apple.com] ) For those thinking WTF? The UserEventAgent does this: [developer.apple.com] It doesn't seem to adversely affect performance but I don't like it and it could turn out to be a serious issues later. APPLE SORT THIS OUT!!! (I would expect a developer to test a simple FW connected HDD on the developer/test Machines as its probably THE most common storage attached to Macs - Doh!). ...and the other bug - The flashing "Traffic light" screen! Every so often (usually and the start and/or end of a process) the whole screen will flash in a colour, usually Green, Orange or Red similar to the Universal Access Screen Flash but a total overlay of semi-transparent colour and not a ramped white flash. Some people have suggested it is an ATi Driver issue with 24" and 30" displays but no-one has come up with a cause or solution, however it doesn't seem to affect anything so I have sort of gotten used to it for the moment. [The Plus side(s)] On the whole the upgrade is schweeeeeet! The new Mail app is very cool, so-much-so that I jumped over from MS Entourage 2004 (which incidentally works fine as does the rest of MS Office 2004). Quicklook in Mail is excellent, in fact preview for all files is much better. CoverFlow viewing (like iTunes) is a nice way of leafing through your HDD contents. Spotlight works much better and the new layout is more intuitive. iChat with the Theatre and Share Screen option is just amazing, but still the voice quality is still awful compared to Skype (http://www.skype.com GET IT! Its free and is just brilliant) The whole system feels a little more slick and spaces is a really nice way of working. Safari 3 works much better than it does on Tiger The Spotlight style Help "search and find" is genius - simply typing into the Help Search and select a topic (from within any App) and it opens the Menus and directs you to the item immediately! All my Adobe, Apple, Microsoft apps work (Including After Effects CS3 - Joey) The new Voice "Alex" is really cool in fact it's so good I could almost let it read new manuals to me whilst I work to learn new apps! ...and most importantly Halo & WoW (Jude) work perfectly! So to sum up - for the moment - for those editors that just don't need Leopard - who have a Tiger System that works perfectly - don't upgrade until they sort the FireWire/UserEventAgent thing or the "Traffic light" Screen Flash and certainly address the possible "file deletion when copying and disconnect/power outage" bug. However if you are fully backed up, are confident to problem manage, solve any issues and update all your Apps that aren't Leopard savvy then I see no reason to wait. There will always be bugs in such complex software (although I hope not so serious as MS software) and Apple are usually very good at patching and updating to fix these... Aren't you Apple! Huh? Huh? ![]() For instant answers to more than one hundred common FCP questions, check out the LAFCPUG FAQ Wiki here : [www.lafcpug.org]
There seems to be a bug with fullscreen playback of video files greater than 1920x1080 (in Quicktime & VLC) so for instance on my 30" Apple Cinema Display at 2560x1600 I get a tearing and/or choppy playback. This seems to be a driver and/or Quicktime issue. It does not happen in Tiger with Quicktime using the same files at the same resolution nor does it happen in Leopard Quickview or in iTunes. So I guess the QT player might have a bug? 100s of other people are also experiencing this issue on PPC & Intel. Also the flashes I mentioned above don't seem to be appearing at 1920x1080 resolution. Come on Apple this is simply not good enough - write ATI drivers & Quicktime players that actually work please! So to add to my comment above - steer clear of Leopard until Apple sort these VERY annoying and unprofessional looking bugs! Will update if anything gets fixed. ![]() For instant answers to more than one hundred common FCP questions, check out the LAFCPUG FAQ Wiki here : [www.lafcpug.org]
Walker Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > i still have NO search function. Hi, I was never enthusiastic about Spotlight so in Tiger (have not switched to Leopard yet) I did the following: Used Spotless to: Configure Spotlight to Load at Startup Rebooted Disabled Indexing on all Volumes Deleted all index files That allowed me to search for files in the Finder. Then I installed Foxtrot for searching file contents. A much more elegant (IMO) solution. Best Wishes, Mitch
I assume when you say 'don't work - they actually load - but you have problems with missing menus? - so they ARE on the screen just unusable.
Try this test - create a new user and see if they magically work. It does not fix your problem but it confirms a problem Apples Pro App Support Group confirmed with me - that a pretty menacing problem with Leopard is that for many people it altered the permissions of the Admin user - me - and likely you. If this is true - any true any 3rd party Video cards/RAID drivers etc., may also be affected.
I have a question about Leopard being installed. I did an Archive and Install over 10.4.10 and after the upgrade completed, I noticed that all the folder icons were a flat grey-blue color. Even after Spotlight finished checking out all the files, the folder icons were still flat grey-blue.
Anyone have this happen?
flat grey-blue is the new folder look...
![]() For instant answers to more than one hundred common FCP questions, check out the LAFCPUG FAQ Wiki here : [www.lafcpug.org]
Unless someone can show me how Leopard will enrich my life, I'm skipping it. Too many problems being discussed here and online.
Time will tell, but 10.4 is quite solid, just like Win XP. Leopard is bring compared to Windows Vista for very good reasons. IMO, Apple bit off more than it could chew - iPhone and Leopard both at once. Greed and Hubris are terrible things. HarryD
You are not alone on this one. We installed Leopard on our G5 and compressor is not responding due to qmaster (qmasterd) we have gathered. Good luck and if you hear anything on this please let us know. Thanks and sorry I have no answers....just wanted to let you know...you are not alone.
Well - After an Apple Level 2 tech about confirmed that there is no R and D going into the PowerPC chip set and their empathy and validation but no solution for ongoing Spotlight indexing and Permission issues - i sold my G5 Quad and await a new Zeon gazillion CPU whatever.
I can't not be in production mode but i have one more fear/terror/hurdle to go when the box arrives - moving my hardware RAID card over ( the data being 'somewhat backed up - but i just don't have a spare 6 terabytes) and hoping as Apple and Highpoint say " you'll be fine......" Anyone have any experience in this area? Thanks as always. PS - the ONLY reason i went to Leopard was to hopefully make more use of my 8GIGS of RAM ...and after all was said and done there was zero performance difference i could prove between Tiger and Leopard in MOTION, FCP or LiveType...
Hi, I've upgraded to Leopard and FCP 6.0.2 won't recognize my Sony HDR-FX1.
I have QT 7.3.1. The receipts I have at /library/receipts are: QuickTime730_Leopard QuickTime730_Tiger QuickTime731_Leopard.pkg QuickTimeMPEG2Pro.pkg Should I trash any of them? When I download/install QT again will it activate as Pro, since I'm an Apple Pro Apps User? I would appreciate the help, I have a lot of footage to capture. Thanks
Another problem that Leopard is has is secure login to a wireless network.
Many people are experiencing problems connecting to networks with passwords. ![]() For instant answers to more than one hundred common FCP questions, check out the LAFCPUG FAQ Wiki here : [www.lafcpug.org]
???? Wireless Network Login not User login - all my user logins are fine including admin ones... Thanks for the thought but read the post properly! ![]() For instant answers to more than one hundred common FCP questions, check out the LAFCPUG FAQ Wiki here : [www.lafcpug.org]
[www.ubergizmo.com] [www.lockergnome.com] Not a fix in 10.5.1 for these issues... 2 ways around it - don't use wireless or don't use security on your Wireless connection... Apple what the bleep are you doing? Have you employed MS Vista engineers to work on Mac OS? All these annoying and potentially damaging bugs! ![]() For instant answers to more than one hundred common FCP questions, check out the LAFCPUG FAQ Wiki here : [www.lafcpug.org]
I don't mean to stir things up, but after I saw this article i thought I'd make a mention of it here:
[techdirt.com] Apple's forcing the closure of ThinkSecret. I wonder if MacRumors is next? I've been reading several articles that have been likening not only Leopard to Vista, but Apple to Microsoft. This article adds credence to that thought. Personally, i think anyone with a stable production machine can't even consider Leopard right now - just too many quirks. Just like Vista. And for the record, I also have Vista on a laptop, with only one problem - it won't sleep or hibernate. I'm sticking with Tiger for now. HarryD
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