Got Leopard? Post your problems/joys/thoughts herePosted by Michael Horton
Jude Cotter Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Are you saying you went from a 386 to an Octocore? I wish! The project was cut and finished in the Avids. The company owns them. Now we're waiting for the remainder of the VFX to come in to finish up the other 2 movies. We use the Octocore to view the VFX in HD before approving the shots or adding notes to the VFX house. The 4th & 5th movies of the series (currently in pre-production) will be cut on the Octocore. Here's the official website: [www.thetreasureofugarit.com]
Sounds like I'm facing yet another quandry before beginning a new project in a few weeks.
I've got OS X 10.5.2 on a new Mac Pro Intel 2X2.8 Quad-Core with 4 GB RAM. Some things about it are a little hinky, but otherwise, it's great. My faithful Mac repair guy/editing guru (no axe to grind, not trying to sell me one thing over another) said in no way should I install Avid on my new machine. It simply isn't compatible with Leopard - and I was asking for trouble. He didn't say much regarding Final Cut Pro, other than it wasn't a whole lot different from Avid for the project I was starting. I didn't see this thread until after I had decided against Avid and to go with Final Cut Pro. Is fcp compatible with Leopard or am I asking for trouble by buying the full-up Final Cut Pro Studio and installing it on my Mac Pro? Further, should I wait for an update to fcp until it is more stable with Leopard? Is there an update coming that will make it compatible? I cut my last project using Final Cut Express and other than one major bug (which caused me to have to reconstruct two minutes of a project), it worked fine. I have to move up to the full fcp studio, but I wanted to settle this question first! As always, thanks in advance to the thoughtful support tendered in this forum!
I've been using Final Cut Studio 2 on Leopard on a Dual G5 and a MacBookPro since Leopard was released.
Just make sure you have all the updates for the ProApps and Quicktime. Avid released Avid Media Composer v2.8 which now supports Mac OS X v10.4.11 Tiger and Mac OSX Leopard. Although I haven't tested it personally. For instant answers to more than one hundred common FCP questions, check out the LAFCPUG FAQ Wiki here : [www.lafcpug.org]
codyjarrett Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- ... > Is fcp compatible with Leopard or am I asking for > trouble by buying the full-up Final Cut Pro Studio > and installing it on my Mac Pro? > ... We've had the Octocore Intel Xeon Mac Pro, 6 gigs of RAM with Leopard and running FCS2 for over a month now. Although we have not actually cut a feature with it yet, the Editor has successfully cut three separate trailers (1 still in progress) without any incident. Now, time for the shameless plug:
Did I miss this problem in this list ?
Anyway, in my experience, Leopard has a bug that prevents FCE and FCP keyboard shortcuts to work correctly with non-US keyboards: wrong shortcuts or no shortcuts at all are available in both applications. 10.5.4 update did not fix it yet. There is a workaround. - Open the International panel of System Preferences - click the Language tab - drag "English" to the top of the list (on top of the current language) - drag back the current language to the top of the list - close System Preferences - (close if necessary and) open FCE or FCP: shortcuts should be fixed. This seems to work till the next system startup; then you have to repeat this procedure... If you use FCP instead, after the operations described above, you can also save your keyboard layout, so you may load it next time directly from FCP (not possible with FCE) without going back to the System preferences. Piero
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