slowing down music track

Posted by xavpil 
slowing down music track
October 30, 2007 04:24PM
I am trying to slow down a music track to give that sense of 'everything's fine and happy until'.... music slows down to a halt... And then cut to another music.
I tried playing around with modifying the speed but I don't get a clean slow down.
Is there a tool or trick I am not aware of?
Re: slowing down music track
October 30, 2007 04:57PM
you mean like a ramp -down?

this might work:
export the music from a timeline, so that you actually get a video file, with the music as it's audio track.

bring it back into FCP,
you should be able to ramp this now.

Re: slowing down music track
October 30, 2007 05:11PM
not too sure what 'ramp down' means.
what i am trying to achieve is having the speed of the music to slow down progresseively but quite fast to mark a change in my cut. (could also use a needle scratch on the LP...)
Re: slowing down music track
October 30, 2007 05:45PM
He means slowing it down progressively, so it goes from 100% down to like 30% in a smooth "ramp."

You could use the Time Remap controls in the Motion tab but they're not available for audio tracks on their own. Do what Nick said and export your song with some video (even if it's just a slug) then re-import it; FCP will treat the clip as video and give you access to the Time Remap section in the Motion tab.


SCQT! Self-contained QuickTime ? pass it on!
Re: slowing down music track
October 30, 2007 07:12PM
yep, we're talking the same thing smiling smiley

as you've probably found with audio you CAN do a simple sped mod, but it just changes into the new speed.

with VIDEO you can do a "Time Re-map" where you can ease in and out of speeds.
you do it in the Viewer's motion tab,
but it would be best to read up on it first.
there's an article here: []
or try the manual.
the Diana Weynand book is good, too if you have it.

however, while i thought that this would also affect the AUDIO,
it seems it doesn't, so sorry about that.

Re: slowing down music track
October 31, 2007 03:33PM
Thanks guys, I'll try that!
Re: slowing down music track
October 31, 2007 06:13PM
So far all I've been able to do is slow down the video, but the audio is not affected.
I'll keep trying
Re: slowing down music track
October 31, 2007 07:57PM
Soundtrack lets you change the speed of the audio. I think you can leave the pitch intact, or let it drop with the speed. It's a bit cumerbsome, though. Try the 'Help' menu for instructions.

Also - look for a program called 'Amazing Slow Downer'. haven't used it for years, but it was specifically designed to allow for speed shifts without pitch shifts. Perhaps it lets you do both?

Re: slowing down music track
November 01, 2007 12:18AM
There's a down and dirty way to do it with the blade tool.

Put the audio on the timeline and blade it right where you want the audio to start slowing down. Change the speed of the newly-bladed section (to the right) to 90%. Move down half a second and blade it again, changing the speed of the new section to 80%, then another half second and blade again, 70% and so on. What you'll get is a gradual slow down over 5 seconds as the audio speed ramps from 100% to 10%. You may want to play with the placement and timing of the cuts to get the effect you want, and maybe 5 seconds is too long. DON'T slip the bladed clips at all or you'll knock them out of sync. Make sense?


SCQT! Self-contained QuickTime ? pass it on!
Re: slowing down music track
November 01, 2007 03:34AM
Thanks JK and Jude.
I used the down and dirty way but it is not accurate enough and too time consuming.
And I don't have Protools...
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