offline Media

Posted by Mohsen 
offline Media
January 04, 2008 08:29PM
I currently have captured 3 different video files into FC and when I went back to reopen the files, a couple of them are offline, and it won't let me reconnect. What did I did wrong? Please help. Thank you.
Re: offline Media
January 04, 2008 08:40PM
Did you capture them to an external drive that you have now got removed? Did you accidentally move or delete the files you captured?

Re: offline Media
January 04, 2008 09:07PM
No, I captured them in an internal drive (not the main drive), but internal to be used for video only. i don't think I moved, or delete them because when I go to the drive which hold them, I can click on the them as quick time movie icon and they play with the QT.
Re: offline Media
January 04, 2008 09:12PM
Did you save the project file after capturing? It's been a long time since I've encountered it, but I seem to remember that logs that have never been captured won't connect to a clip even if that clip had been created using a Batch Capture from an unsaved version of that log. If that's the case, then just re-import the clips into the Browser manually.
Re: offline Media
January 04, 2008 09:19PM
Thank you, I will just go ahead and recapture those clips as they are not very long. My question was more to learn the reason for not reconnecting, and not so much for trying to short cut. Thank you again for your reply.
Re: offline Media
January 04, 2008 09:29PM
Wait, wait, wait...I didn't say "recapture". I said "re-import". If the clips are visible in OS and playable by QuickTime Player, then simply select your project file's Browser, press APPLE-I and re-import the clips. No reason to recapture unless the clips are corrupt.
Re: offline Media
January 04, 2008 09:38PM
Oh, yes. I'm sorry for misunderstanding. It was very easy. I re-imported, and it worked. Thank you so much. Fortunately, I had not yet started recapturing. Wonderful - Thanks again.
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