Recurring monitor problwm

Posted by Delphinus 
Recurring monitor problwm
January 14, 2008 05:35PM
G4 Quicksilver
QT 7.3.1
1.47 GHz
1.5 SDRamm
FCP 6.0

This problem comes and goes. Frustrating. Two parts:

Part One: Ever since I installed FCP 6.0, I have a heck of a time getting my NTSC monitor to come up through my Sony DSR-20. It may come up in ten minutes or an hour, I never know. I have not changed the settings from FCP 5.0 when everything worked fine. However, when I hit "Close FCP", and the "Do you want to save ..." window comes up, the monitor jumps on (most of the time). Any ideas?

Part Two: I extracted video from a DVD into a QT clip and when I play it in my browser all is fine. However, on my NTSC monitor, it appears as a freeze frame. If I stop the "play" in my browser, the monitor jmps to a freeze frame of that point. Other QT clips play fine, it is only the one I extracted from the DVD. I checked all of the properties of the problem QT clip and the clips that play OK and they all match perfectly. Any ideas?
Re: Recurring monitor problwm
January 14, 2008 07:32PM
For part one, try looking here: FAQ - Restore DV deck after upgrade. Your deck may be the issue, not the monitor.

As for part two, check the info on that clip you extracted. Are you sure it's in the proper DV format to playback through your DSR-20?


SCQT! Self-contained QuickTime ? pass it on!
Re: Recurring monitor problwm
January 15, 2008 01:19PM
I have done exactly what the instructional indicated for restoring the deck. No difference. I have copied down all of the Standard Video Compression Settings for clips in my system that DO work and they match exactly the clip extracted from the DVD that does not work. All the other clips I have digitized from DV tapes work perfectly. These two that I extracted from a DVD do not play on the NTSC monitor (it freeze frames). Any other suggestions?
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