Quicktime 7.4
January 15, 2008 05:56PM
Out today in Software Update, ties in with iTunes 7.6. Anyone take the plunge yet?


SCQT! Self-contained QuickTime ? pass it on!
Re: Quicktime 7.4
January 15, 2008 06:13PM
Yep I will... can't be worse than the last update...

..can it?


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Re: Quicktime 7.4
January 15, 2008 07:04PM
Let us know Ben - I've still got 7.3 issues here, so will be happy to hear that this one's better.

Re: Quicktime 7.4
January 16, 2008 02:56AM
Someone's gotta go first...
Re: Quicktime 7.4
January 16, 2008 05:13PM
no problems so far - updated Itunes and bought the IPOD Touch software add on (maps mail notes etc - very cool)

all working well on Intel MacBook Pro Intel core 2 duo and OS 10.4.11
Re: Quicktime 7.4
January 17, 2008 08:28PM
Have you tried it with FCP or Compressor?
I have FCP 5.1.4 and I am worried about changing my Quicktime which is now Quicktime 7 Pro at 7.2. I remember hearing some bad stuff with FCP and the last QT update. I use compressor a lot and convert HD files down to ipod files and other formats. Any problems there? Thanks, Jennifer
Re: Quicktime 7.4
January 17, 2008 10:52PM
I haven't had any issues (yet), but the After Effects community is freaking out about QT 7.4:



When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: Quicktime 7.4
January 18, 2008 12:35AM
yikes, thats what I am worried about. I am also in the middle of a project and dont want a mess. Its just the computer keeps asking me to update and now iTunes seems to force you to upgrade, creepy I say! Jennifer
Re: Quicktime 7.4
January 26, 2008 01:50PM
If you use After Effects 8.0 DO NOT upgrade or you won't be able to render using QuickTime. Has to do with Apple's revised DRM for AppleTV that has been rolled into QuickTime 7.4
Re: Quicktime 7.4
January 26, 2008 04:32PM
This is where a consumer electronics company runs into trouble trying to support pro applications.

Why do we need to deal with DRM in post production?
Re: Quicktime 7.4
January 26, 2008 07:29PM
I agree that DRM is a pain in the ass, but the whole 'Apple is a consumer company that doesn't care about us professionals' is getting a bit tiring.

Re: Quicktime 7.4
January 26, 2008 07:58PM
"...the whole 'Apple is a consumer company that doesn't care about us professionals' is getting a bit tiring."


When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: Quicktime 7.4
January 27, 2008 02:16AM
Isn't that special.

But how can you on one hand agree that DRM is a pain in the ass and then say that this whole consumer vs professional thing is getting old?

After all Apple didn't consult any of us when they decided to change quicktime three times in as many months to be more compatible with iTunes or add DRM so studios would rent movies on AppleTV or release FCP Server and then move the release date back six months to a year.

Aren't you having to deal with the same issues?
Re: Quicktime 7.4
January 27, 2008 02:33AM
> After all Apple didn't consult any of us when they decided to change quicktime three times in as
> many months to be more compatible with iTunes or add DRM so studios would rent movies on
> AppleTV

Not updating OS or QuickTime rashly is one of the rules of using FCP. For about 18 months I was using FCP4.5/QuickTime 6 (the stable combo) and clicking "Cancel" every time Software Update asked me whether I wanted to upgrade to QuickTime 7. No problems at all.

I think a "pro" user should know better than to rashly jump on every single available upgrade (be it Leopard, QuickTime 7.4, or anything else) without getting some information first.

Re: Quicktime 7.4
January 27, 2008 02:47AM
Personally I think DRM is a pain in the ass because it does nothing to stop people who are actually actively stealing music or videos or whatever for profit- it merely hinders the users. This is true all over the place. Like they say - locks are for honest people. A thief will just smash your window.

What I'm saying is that you obviously have a gripe and feel that Apple is pandering to the consumer and ignoring the professionals. I disagree, but I get that you feel that. But you keep saying it. So I'm just letting you know it's tiring to hear it over and over.

Re: Quicktime 7.4
February 08, 2008 01:31AM
Wow, Apple just keeps making it easy to "gripe" about them [www.lafcpug.org]

Actually I'm not really griping. Who am I kidding, YES I AM, but not because I don't like it, I'm just unhappy that I'm still waiting for FCP Server....

What I'm tired of hearing over and over is that Quictime is broken again [www.macfixit.com]

But what the hell, I sure like playing with that iPhone.
Re: Quicktime 7.4
February 08, 2008 03:30AM
Broken record, Chuck.

Re: Quicktime 7.4
February 09, 2008 02:47AM
Maybe Apple should start working with Blu-ray rather than breaking records.

Sorry, couldn't help myself.
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