New Mac

Posted by derek hillier 
New Mac
February 07, 2008 10:19AM
Just completed project with new Mac/Quicktime all great.

New 8 core 2.8 mhz Intel Mac 6GB Ram 23" Apple Display ATI Radeon HD 2600

Leopard 10.5.1
FinalCutStudio 5.1.4
Quicktime 7.4.1

This is just lightning compared to my old G5 1.8 single processor

Re: New Mac
February 07, 2008 01:17PM
What's this? A success story? No problems to report? No issues hassling your project? No files offline, no FCP crashing, no inability to do anything because of QT incompatibility?

This post doesn't belong here!


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Re: New Mac
February 07, 2008 02:05PM
Velly intellesting.

I'm window shopping that model and thus far, reports indicate getting a 3Ghz won't gain much for the addional $$$. Good to hear!

- Loren
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Re: New Mac
February 07, 2008 06:54PM
I think part of the problem is how quickly you get used to it! I don't feel that my octo is lightning fast any more, and yet when I troubleshoot, I ALWAYS think that the machines are just about broken because they are so slow.

I mean - I'm talking maybe five or six other computers from mac books to g5 duals that I have thought were really sick because they were so slow. All the owners tell me that they have always been like this and I'm off my rocker. And people always comment on how fast my computer is, but I feel like it's just normal, now. Bit sad really.

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