convert Hd 16:9 to quicktime 4:3 for web

Posted by YL 
convert Hd 16:9 to quicktime 4:3 for web
February 08, 2008 03:38AM
I have a movie Hdv 16:9 in fcp that I want to make as a quicktime 4:3, 640x480, for the web. How do I do that with out losing the proportion? I use Compressor.

Please help me
Re: convert Hd 16:9 to quicktime 4:3 for web
February 08, 2008 03:55AM
why do you need it (4:3) for the web? you can post web video at any dimension/ratio you want...
Re: convert Hd 16:9 to quicktime 4:3 for web
February 08, 2008 04:29AM
I need it for a application and they only accept 4:3...
Re: convert Hd 16:9 to quicktime 4:3 for web
February 08, 2008 06:46AM
id say your best bet would be to create a 4:3 sequence, drop your finished 16:9 movie onto that (which with minor motion-tab tweaking will result in a letterboxed final) and either shoot that to compressor or just to an export using quicktime conversion - depending on how many you have
Re: convert Hd 16:9 to quicktime 4:3 for web
February 08, 2008 11:55AM
There's a filter in Compressor called Letterbox. First you make sure that the frame size in the Geometry tab is set to a 4:3 aspect (like 640x480). Then you go to the filters tab and apply the Letterbox filter. Use type: Scale, and Output: 16x9 1.78:1

That should give you what you want.

Re: convert Hd 16:9 to quicktime 4:3 for web
February 09, 2008 04:53AM
Thanks, now it finally works
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