A new client want's me to work in his brand new studio for a 90' doc in far east Asia. (I should fly over there from France)
Says proudly he has a MacPro along with a IO HD ... nice...
He's been shooting for the project in DvcPro HD, (on tape, with shoulder cam: lots of tapes) and Hdv (on tape), for the handy cam ( hum ? yeah - don't ask ...

so I tell him... ok , let's capture everything in ProRes with the IO , but, ahem...
he has already captured everything in original codec via FireWire, and tells me :
I've been told I can use the multi format TimeLine !
Besides the fact that I really 'd like to convert the Hdv as DvcPro HD at that point, and have it all in this format, I wonder...
hey ! In this case, being all in DvcPro Hd, the IO will useless for monitoring, no ? like if it wasn't there. I understand that IO Hd is
everything to ProRes & everything from ProRes
so now we woul'd need an other Aja card to monitor that DvcPro Hd
or is there something we could do with the IO HD ?