Aja IO HD, beyond ProRes...

Posted by Francois 
Aja IO HD, beyond ProRes...
February 15, 2008 11:17AM
A new client want's me to work in his brand new studio for a 90' doc in far east Asia. (I should fly over there from France)

Says proudly he has a MacPro along with a IO HD ... nice...

He's been shooting for the project in DvcPro HD, (on tape, with shoulder cam: lots of tapes) and Hdv (on tape), for the handy cam ( hum ? yeah - don't ask ... smiling smiley )

so I tell him... ok , let's capture everything in ProRes with the IO , but, ahem... he has already captured everything in original codec via FireWire, and tells me : I've been told I can use the multi format TimeLine !

Besides the fact that I really 'd like to convert the Hdv as DvcPro HD at that point, and have it all in this format, I wonder...

hey ! In this case, being all in DvcPro Hd, the IO will useless for monitoring, no ? like if it wasn't there. I understand that IO Hd is everything to ProRes & everything from ProRes

so now we woul'd need an other Aja card to monitor that DvcPro Hd

or is there something we could do with the IO HD ?
Re: Aja IO HD, beyond ProRes...
February 15, 2008 05:29PM
I believe the Aja IO will monitor both ProRes and DVCProHD in RT.

Maybe he doesn't have as many HDV tapes and you can recapture those through the component in of the Aja IO to DVCProHD. [I don't think you can capture through the Aja IO via firewire and convert to either ProRes or DVCProHD].

The mixed time line sucks.
Re: Aja IO HD, beyond ProRes...
February 16, 2008 05:37AM
in a practical way Aja web site ( spects, data sheets etc) are useless
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