renaming the Audio tracks in the sequence

Posted by Ladycrow13 
renaming the Audio tracks in the sequence
February 19, 2008 06:49PM
Hi all;

I'm new to FC I usually work on an Avid and in the Avid there is away to change the name of the tracks (V1,A1..) to whatever you want.
is there away to do that on FCpro ver. 6.

thanks winking smiley
Re: renaming the Audio tracks in the sequence
February 19, 2008 07:03PM
Nope. One of the biggest and most legitimate feature requests.

Here's a pseudo-workaround: Create a piece of Slug, delete the video portion, and put the Slug at the beginning of the audio track. Select it and press APPLE-9 to rename it to whatever you want.

Of course, this still isn't all that great because you can only see it if the beginning of the track is in sight. But maybe it will help a bit.
Re: renaming the Audio tracks in the sequence
February 19, 2008 07:24PM

that's too bad, they need to work on that.
I use that feature all the time and it would be nice to have it in FCpro too.
Re: renaming the Audio tracks in the sequence
February 20, 2008 04:45AM
Yup. It's a big big feature request. Even better if we can have the tracks colored, so we can tell track assignment at a glance.
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