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OT: Really working? Or just doing nothing?Posted by PhillyFilmmaker
I didn't know where to post this so if this isn't the right place let me know! Thanks!
Some people seem to think that this kind of work isn't really work. To these people, if you're not on the phone talking to customer's or doing something physically with your hands (e.g. fixing computers, etc..) you're not really working. This really bugs me and I wanted to see if anyone has any comeback's to these kinds of thoughts? At least something to make me feel better about what I do..LOLOL
They are idiots. Sometimes, have to admit, when I get to work with amazing footage / sfx / compositing materials it doesn't FEEL like work because I am diggin' it so much...but it sure the hell is. Ask your "some people" to cut / composite a spot that has to make FedEx the same night while the Producer, Writer & Client are all in the room barking out suggestions & revisions while you cut. Anything that involves DEADLINES (stress) is absolute work...period. I have never heard anyone refer to what I do as "nothing" in my 17 years in the business. I guess if you sit around and turn out edits with 3 to 5 straight cuts in them with no graphics / color correction it may look like your doing nothing. All the way back when I was cutting weddings...that was a ton of work. When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.
>doing something physically with your hands
I am doing something physically with my hand. I am using a mouse and a keyboard to move things around on a computer. Do they think newspaper reporters aren't working? Data entry people? Customer service? Writers? >if you're not on the phone talking to customer's I am constantly talking to clients and producers on the phone. Or they are in the room. Put that nimrod in front of your computer and ask them to edit something. They'll soon see that it is hard work. "Look at them yo-yos. That ain't working. Playing guitar on the MTV...Money for nothin' and chicks for free." -Dire Straits. www.shanerosseditor.com Listen to THE EDIT BAY Podcast on iTunes [itunes.apple.com]
I got into the habit of talking myself through whatever task it is I'm doing.
It's something I picked up from the linear editors I used to assist back in the 'day. They did it to keep the clients from repeatedly asking, "What's going on? Can I see a preview of that? What are you doing? Can I see this now? Do you know how to do what I'm asking for?" all because some things take more than a couple of keystrokes to set up. Especially in the days of 4-bus switchers and DVEs. People are reluctant to interrupt you 'cos then they know you're in the middle of a thought process.... ... or they think you're a total loon and they want to keep their distance. Either way, ya get left alone. deb
HA! i sooooo do that:
"ok... open, uhhhh. yep, that one - yes there. okay. drop there. nope. close but not right. correct that. mid mmmm... there, plus 3, nope 4 - okay maybe 7. and how about 2 points on the blacks? no, well maybe. yup thats it. okay, slide back toooooo there. done. opacity point one and out. drop value to zero annnnnnnd render" client asks - "is this cat loony? maybe but it all kinda makes sense now"
I wanted to see if anyone has any comeback's to these kinds of thoughts?
Here's a few lines you can use: (I take no responsibility for the consequences) Sucks to be you! I get paid for this! Bite me. You've never had a creative thought in your entire life. I'd rather be filling in little boxes in spreadsheets, but I see that you've got that taken care of. Of course this isn't work... I actually like what I do for a living. After uttering one, or all of these lines, I'd suggest you find a new place of employment where people actually appreciate and respect what you do. Mark
There are people out there who think that if you don't hate what you do, you aren't really working. Of couse, if their definition of "work" is "doing something you hate", then, by their definition, they're right, and you can't do anything about that.
However, in any occupation, the most effective people really enjoy their "work". My mechanic tells me he loves working on cars. He says that on Sundays, the only day he takes off, he can't wait to get back into the shop on Monday and "get his hands dirty." Is he not working? I know several editors and a couple of producers who really hate their jobs - the hours, the constant time in front of a computer or behind a camera, the constant deadlines. I also know many who just love the production process. Are the ones who hate their jobs the only ones who are "working"? There are people who head off into the wilderness for their "vacations" - to spend their their precious vacation time freezing, fighting nature, doing all sorts of things many would consider "work" if they had to do it, =but they are spending lots of good money to do this for their "vacation". You owe it to yourself, to the world, to do something you enjoy doing as your career. If you love what you are doing, you are not worth less, you are worth more! If you are doing something you love, there will always be people around you who will be envious of that, who will try to put you down for being in your position, especially if you are successful. You will not be able to change their twisted outlook. However, if you're wise, you will not buy into their silly notions. Travis VoiceOver Guy and Entertainment Technology Enthusiast [www.VOTalent.com]
Travis Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > If you are doing something you love, there will always be people around you who will be >envious of that, who will try to put you down for being in your position, especially if you are >successful. You will not be able to change their twisted outlook. However, if you're wise, you >will not buy into their silly notions. Bravo!! I should memorize this for the next family gathering. They don't think that I work, either, even though I probably make more money than several of them combined... deb
I've actually never heard of anyone 'accusing' post/editors et al jobs as "not working". Ever. I'm in NYC (but was the same in LA) but i've always gotten the exact reverse vibe from people, even laymen.
Aren't post-people notoriously thought of as being chained to the inside of a dark room for hours on end meticulously going through hours of stuff with a microscope while being lashed by someone behind them on a couch with a whip in one hand and a latte in the other? I'm seriously curious what other reactions you all have gotten in terms of "you don't have a real job". as a matter of fact, in todays world, i feel like we are last of a breed. we actually tangibly PRODUCE something at the end of each day.
At my workplace, I get a new supervisor rotating through every two years or so. One of the first things I do is to get them to sit in on one of my edit sessions, so that they can see exactly what I have to do to have this much "fun". I don't hear too many "what is taking so long" comments after that. Sometimes but not often. Barry
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