Crisp Animation?
March 18, 2008 09:15AM
I am using FCP 5 on my IMAC OSX with Intel.
I have imported footage that was compressed as Animation, 24fps Data Rate 15.4 MB/sec, and Pixel Aspect NTSC- CCIR 601.

My issue is that I can?t seem to get the graphics in my footage to come out crisp. I deinterlaced it at Flicker Filter Max and it seem to help, but still is blurry. I added a sharpen but anything higher than 10 is no good. Any suggestions?
Re: Crisp Animation?
March 18, 2008 09:29AM
Read this first:

Re: Crisp Animation?
March 18, 2008 09:41AM
oh, I am sorry. I should have mentioned that I checked FAQ. But thank you. maybe my graphics are too big.
Re: Crisp Animation?
March 18, 2008 11:24AM
I need to see what you are talking about. Post a link to an example.

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: Crisp Animation?
March 19, 2008 07:46PM
There's probably no need to deinterlace your footage. If it's an animation from a graphics program (be it AE, Maya, Cinema 4d, whatever), the footage is most likely progressive. I'd guess it has to do with your sequence settings. What codec are you using for your timeline? DV is pretty bad with graphics. If you're dropping your footage into the DV timeline, then it's being rendered into the DV codec. So,if you're using DV, try switching to DVCPRO50 instead. You'll get crisper graphics, but what's going to happen is that you'll have to render out footage that's any other format (like DV) to DVCPRO50. But maybe try it as an experiment to see if that's the issue.
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