1080 24PA HDX900 Firestore Bug

Posted by srmorris1 
1080 24PA HDX900 Firestore Bug
April 11, 2008 06:35PM
I'm trying to figure out a workflow for shooting 1080 24PA using the Panasonic HDX 900 and recording to both tape and the Friestore FS-100.

We recorded onto the fs-100 as quicktime (not P2) files in 1080 24pa, then transferred the files to another hard drive before bringing them in to FCP 6.03.

We did receive a "media not optimized for FCP" warning but the files came into FCP and seemed to play perfectly. However, things did not work as I expected.

I thought that the footage we brought in from the fs-100 would be in 1080 60i then we would use the "remove advanced pulldown" tool. However, when I tried to do that I got a "this footage is not DVCPROHD and there is no advanced pulldown to remove."

I looked at the item properties and it shows a 23.98 frame rate. I thought that maybe the HDX900 doesn't record the extra frames so that no pulldown removal was necessary. This seemed to be confirmed when I advanced the footage one frame at a time and was unable to find any duplicate frames.

However, another thing I noticed when advancing one frame at a time was that there were 30 frames per second not 24.

Maybe this is all as it is supposed to be but it scares me. it seems as if FCP thinks my footage is both 24 and 30 frames per second. Obviously I don't want to bring in my whole feature using this method only to find out that I entered the wrong setting somewhere along the way.

Has anyone else experienced this issue?
Re: 1080 24PA HDX900 Firestore Bug
May 08, 2008 01:53PM
Did you ever figure out the probs with this issue?

I ask because I am about to embark on a project and am trying to figure out the workflow. We were considering the Red but it is too unstable for us to use with confidence at this time. So we were interested in integrating the HDX900 with the fs100 Firestore to get the benefits of tapeless, but we have yet to try it.

I would be curious if you worked it out, and if you have been happy with the results.

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