HELP: LiveType all messed up

Posted by nicknasty 
HELP: LiveType all messed up
June 03, 2008 02:41AM
I?ve done a 30 min DVD for my client with 50+ LiveType transition/text effects. Now it needs to be updated with new material.

Unfortunately that well- advertised integration between FCP and Livetype is not that hot. I am unable to re-create, re-touch or render those original .ipr files anymore. It seems that Livetype has ?lost? the in-built media files used to create those effects.

I think my Livetype (2.1.3) has bought the farm. I am unable to create anything decent with it. It?s all screwy. Does anyone know how to re-install it without messing with FCP or what's the problem?
Re: HELP: LiveType all messed up
June 03, 2008 04:36AM
I know, livetype and fcp doesn´t allways seem to "talk" to eachother...
But it seem strange that youré not able to edit your iprs.
Tell me about your workflow.
Re: HELP: LiveType all messed up
June 03, 2008 10:01AM
I does not seem to "find" the media. I am unable to use any graphics/objects available in media browser. I do see the previews but once I apply them to tracks... nothing shows up on the canvas sad smiley

I found an article that might be relevant
but I don't even have a Livetype folder inside /Library/Aplication Support/ ??
Should I manually create one or simply re-install the whole thing?
Re: HELP: LiveType all messed up
June 03, 2008 10:06AM

I do have Livetype folder inside /Library/Application Support/

What I don't have is Livetype Data folder what the article refers to..
Re: HELP: LiveType all messed up
June 04, 2008 02:37AM
Is it graphics you´ve created yourself or is it the graphics that comes with livestype?
If it´s your own, are you sure you haven´t moved anything from it´s original folders?
Re: HELP: LiveType all messed up
June 04, 2008 05:19PM
No.. it's completely dead. All Livefonts, textures, objects etc.

Trashed preferences, re-installed the whole thing (too 2 hours) and it's still dead. For some reason it just can't find its media. Clueless what to do next? Re-install my system HD?
Re: HELP: LiveType all messed up
June 09, 2008 03:57PM

Easy after I found a decent fix here

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