G-Raid has moved from Santa Monica. Attention G-Tech/Raid owners
July 03, 2008 02:07PM
Just for all of you G-Tech owners, G-Tech has closed their Santa Monica office and have been bought out by some other outfit in Santa Ana and have moved up there.

It's a damn nuisance for getting quick local LA repairs done, but I spoke with someone at the new outfit yesterday and they seemed very obliging.

Just FYI.

Re: G-Raid has moved from Santa Monica. Attention G-Tech/Raid owners
July 03, 2008 02:43PM
Yeah, kind of figured that would happen. Wonder if they are going to change name too. That would be stupid.

Michael Horton
Re: G-Raid has moved from Santa Monica. Attention G-Tech/Raid owners
July 03, 2008 02:43PM
Yep...they are now owned by a company called Fabrik who also purchased SimpleTech:


Probably change the names to F-RAID (a-fraid eye popping smiley)

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: G-Raid has moved from Santa Monica. Attention G-Tech/Raid owners
July 03, 2008 03:13PM
Good one, Joe. From great toafraid. Yow.

Re: G-Raid has moved from Santa Monica. Attention G-Tech/Raid owners
July 04, 2008 12:10PM
OMG At least the folks at G-Tech should be able to easily find parking at the new place. It will be close for me.


"When I see you floating down the gutter I'll give you a bottle of wine."
Captain Beefheart, Trout Mask Replica.
Re: G-Raid has moved from Santa Monica. Attention G-Tech/Raid owners
July 04, 2008 12:12PM
I just hope that Fabrik will not begin to cut corners and start using Maxtor & Western Digital drives in the units. It will be LaCie 2.

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: G-Raid has moved from Santa Monica. Attention G-Tech/Raid owners
July 07, 2008 04:50PM
what do they use now?
Re: G-Raid has moved from Santa Monica. Attention G-Tech/Raid owners
July 07, 2008 06:19PM
Hitachi ONLY.

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

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