Hi, Folks,
I did a search; nothing on this could I find. Shane's video on this subject is great, but we got issues. We're dealing with files shot directly to a Firestore, saved as MXF. This material was copied to client's hard drive (and a backup), and brought back home. Client is having difficulties accessing the raw footage folder containing the exact folder structures in the video (Contents, Icons, etc). We don't get that neat "Panasonic P2..." option in our Import menu-- doesn't show up in either 6.0.3 or 6.0.4. Client was using Log and Transfer and clips were showing up in that window, (where are they now after some fiddling I couldn't say), but when selected and imported from there, resulting clips showed video and a predictable sound dropout after about five seconds. Again, entire clips played nicely form head to tail in L&T window, but not when imported. Any advice appreciated, from Shane or others. - Loren on location
>Client is having difficulties accessing the raw footage folder containing the exact folder
>structures in the video Hmm... It's Log and Transfer (shift apple 8), not sure why you can't see it now if you could earlier. Is "remove duplicate frames" deselected? Side note. Do you happen to have p2cms installed? [eww.pavc.panasonic.co.jp] Installs a driver that allows you to view the mxf files on the timeline. ![]() www.strypesinpost.com
FYI...P2 IMPORT was what you used if you have FCP 5 and 5.1. As soon as you hit FCP 6 the P2 Import was renamed to LOG AND TRANSFER because that interface now works with more than just P2...it also works with AVCHD and AVCIntra...and soon RED.
SO they play fine in the L&T window but the imported clips have audio dropouts? ![]() www.shanerosseditor.com Listen to THE EDIT BAY Podcast on iTunes [itunes.apple.com]
Thanks for replying. I cleared the autofill cache hoping to clear up matters, but lost the path to the source material. Fortunately client knew it. List has reappeared. So we're back to square one. I will check that Pana file, it may be useful. But to be clear-- client has no access to P2 cards-- this format was recorded to FireStore attached to an HVX-200 and dumped to client's FW800 drive and a backup. I mention that because the Pana software docs say you need a P2 card dirver installed to use this management software. - Loren Today's FCP keytip: Toggle your Timeline Filters bar with Option T ! Final Cut Studio 2 KeyGuide? Power Pack. Now available at KeyGuide Central. www.neotrondesign.com
Hey, Shane -
Thanks for replying. [FYI...P2 IMPORT was what you used if you have FCP 5 and 5.1. As soon as you hit FCP 6 the P2 Import was renamed to LOG AND TRANSFER because that interface now works with more than just P2...it also works with AVCHD and AVCIntra...and soon RED. ] Ah, so no more Panasonic P2 menu command, which is so much clearer...? Figures. [SO they play fine in the L&T window but the imported clips have audio dropouts?] Correct. - Loren Today's FCP keytip: Toggle your Timeline Filters bar with Option T ! Final Cut Studio 2 KeyGuide? Power Pack. Now available at KeyGuide Central. www.neotrondesign.com
Basically what the P2CMS does for me, is that it drops an mxf codec into QT, which then allows you to import the mxf files straight onto the timeline. And that's how I usually check mxf files when they come back from a shoot. I don't think you're supposed to edit directly off that, as the mxf container is not optimized for FCP.
For sync issues, usually the first thing i do is to check the audio sample rates, if there is a mismatch... I'm thinking that in this case, having a pulldown/duplicate frame remover may mess that up.. ![]() www.strypesinpost.com
[ I don't think you're supposed to edit directly off that, as the mxf container is not optimized for FCP. ]
Yeah, that's an Avid format, right? The cameraman who shot the stuff reports he's had no problem transcoding MXF, and that recording to FireStore as QuickTime-wrapped 720p would result in larger files. I take him at his word. But the last time I used FireStore they were QuickTimes and were effortless bringing them over. So anyway, we're stuck with copied folder structures as in Shane's video, with MXF files. Something in the transcode to QT isn't right, but what? Settings in L & T are minimal. As far as I know, the 720p24 capture setting matches the camera format. - Loren Today's FCP keytip: Toggle your Timeline Filters bar with Option T ! Final Cut Studio 2 KeyGuide? Power Pack. Now available at KeyGuide Central. www.neotrondesign.com
I have some P2 MFX files that I imported awhile ago. Now when I go to ingest them in LOg and Transfer it keeps giving me the error that "contains unsupported media or has an invalid directory structure." I know it's proper media and when I view the bmps in the Icon folder I can see the clip thumbnail ... so it's got to be the directory structure. Could you tell me where in the system you retrieved yours from. I think that should solve my woes. Thanks.
You need the the entire P2 file structure for it to work. Also, make sure you have the text file intact.
![]() www.strypesinpost.com
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