I have a problem getting my wmv's to look good. I use final cut to edit the footage, in DV/DVCPRO-Ntsc then I export using Quicktime Movie. Selecting the DV/DVCPro ntsc.
that output looks good and thats what we use to make our dvds.
then we send that mov over to a PC and import it into AVID, then we use the AVID to export the WMV.
Now for some reason our WMV's look like crap, they constantly have what look like interlace lines, or are just bad quality. I've tried many different options and none seem to make a difference. In fact sometimes using the same setting for two different movies, one will look good the other will look like crap. I can't figure out what we are doing wrong. Is it in the settings? Is it in final cut or avid, is it a mov vs wmv?
any help you could give would be great.