apply composite mode to multiple clips?

Posted by ryankoral 
apply composite mode to multiple clips?
July 11, 2008 03:12PM
i've run into this a few times where i need to add a composite mode to multiple clips. is there a fast and/or simpler way to do this (sort of like a paste attributes function) rather than clicking on each individual clip?

Re: apply composite mode to multiple clips?
July 11, 2008 03:21PM
You can select/lasso multiple clips in the timeline and then go to Modify - Composite. If you do this often enough, and if you're using one or two Composite modes more than the others, you can press OPTION-H (Customize - Keyboard Layout), use the search window there to locate the Composite mode you want, then drag the button onto the button bar of your timeline or Canvas/Viewer.
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