Film to HD transfer service

Posted by xroloffx 
Film to HD transfer service
July 21, 2008 01:26PM
I am seeking SoCal professional digital film to HD transfer company. This 16mm and 8mm film footage is the only archive of projects in the 1970's and 80's, would prefer to hand deliver.
Any references for a professional-level company for this service?

Re: Film to HD transfer service
July 21, 2008 02:14PM
You could try Pro8mm in Burbank


They use an older Rank so maybe the price is decent.

Or you could call around the usual large post facilities with telecine suites. But they cost $$$$$/hour.
Re: Film to HD transfer service
July 21, 2008 06:21PM
I'll second Pro8mm...They are top notch when it comes to 8mm and 16mm. They telecined all of Oliver Stone's stuff for JFK and Natural Born Killers. And all of my history channel film shoot material.

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Re: Film to HD transfer service
July 22, 2008 10:32AM
Shane and Sprocketz:

Thanks a lot for the Pro8mm reference - I will call them for prices, etc.

I would be driving down from the Bay Area (no decent transfer places or film/HD here that I can find, Monaco only does 4K which is over my head), I don't know SoCal companies that well. Is it possible for you also send me one or more names of the more expensive/newer Rank companies you might recommend for comparison?

Again, thanks.
Re: Film to HD transfer service
July 22, 2008 10:49AM
There are too many for me to name. I have used Company 3 but they are very expensive. Easily $800/hour and up depending on what you negotiate.

The better places are using Spirit Datacine's with DaVinci front ends. The Ranks are pretty old for the most part. Didn't Rank go out of business? Could be wrong but that was my recollection.

Perhaps others here have some good experiences at other telecine houses.
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