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Hi 8 mm input?Posted by chrogers2000
There are Digital 8mm cameras that play HI8 and Digital 8 -- you can either pick one cheaply on EBAY or try to borrow one -- they have firewire out...will playback HI 8 and record Digital 8 -- about 350 on Amazon --
Digital 8/Hi 8 Camera with DV out or you can get an analog to DV converter (even cheaper) about 199 - Canopus and others make them Analog to Digital converter Bring in through FCP -- make a movie -- or take the raw footage - bring in to DVD Studio Pro or Imovie - and you've got your DVD If you have a stand alone DVD burner that accepts analog in - go right from his camera into the DVD burner and burn real time
I bought something like this to digitize my old Hi8 tapes:
[cgi.ebay.com] When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade. ![]()
No...I wouldn't post a link to something I was bidding on - THAT'S A SECRET! ![]() When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade. ![]()
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