Problem at recapture

Posted by xavpil 
Problem at recapture
September 24, 2008 01:05AM
I lost the media on a project and I had to recapture the media, using Batch Capture.
The problem is that now the edits are off of 10 to 11 frames in the sequence.
All I can think of right now is that the master tape that was sent back to me isn't the same as the one i originally digitized from.
Anyhow, what could I do so I don't have to tweak each edit manually.

Re: Problem at recapture
September 24, 2008 01:15AM
Nothing, really...unless the offset is absolutely consistent on the recaptures, in which case you can tweak the Device Preset's Capture Offset value to see if you can adjust for the difference.

It is possible to slip multiple clips at once by selecting them, then selecting the Slip tool and entering a number. Again, that only works if the offset is absolutely consistent. Did you make a movie file of your edit? Also, what happens if you tried reconnecting an older project file from your archive to the new clips?
Re: Problem at recapture
September 24, 2008 01:28AM
Thanks Derek.
I found out more about the issue.
I originally tried the solution you offered by offsetting at capture but the result was 90% ok.
What I just remembered though is that the show I am working off was shot in PAL, then transfered to DIGi tae NTSC 29.91. However I came accross a lot of 1/2 field frames and replaced them with freezed flash frame.
And for some reason this is the 5% of recapture that didn't work.
But why isn't FCP recapturing freeze frame properly is a mystery.
Re: Problem at recapture
September 24, 2008 01:48AM
> NTSC 29.91

Huh? New format?

> But why isn't FCP recapturing freeze frame properly is a mystery.

FCP Freeze Frames are slippery. I've had Freeze Frames that refuse to reconnect, period, and I've had Freeze Frames that reconnect wrong. If you want those things stable, you may want to switch to the method of exporting a TIFF file and the re-importing. Major pain in the tuchus, though, if the freeze point moves a whole lot during an edit.
Re: Problem at recapture
September 24, 2008 03:09AM
I just went ahead and replaced the freeze frames.

thanks again Derek
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