Tons of names for credits

Posted by PhillyFilmmaker 
Tons of names for credits
October 08, 2008 01:53PM

I have a ton of names, 511 to be exact to be put in as credits for a corp video.
Is there a fast way I can get these names in?
I basically just want to scroll through all the names.
Nothing fancy.

Or, would it be cooler to create credits using after effects?
Re: Tons of names for credits
October 08, 2008 03:10PM
Ooof. Been there. My list was VERY close to that, 510. I had to use the FCP internal scroll option (the boris one)...and it took 4 minutes for the names to go by. Because we had to make sure that everyone saw their name. This was a goof reel for the end of a TV series.

Listen to THE EDIT BAY Podcast on iTunes
Re: Tons of names for credits
October 08, 2008 03:38PM
It's ALWAYS cooler to use After Effects winking smiley

I treat opening / closing credits as equal design pieces (look at The Incredibles for example). What I would do is instead of a boring 5 minute barrage of a sleepy text roll, Create a slow roll off to one side and composite a PIP of maybe some out takes / b-roll / deleted scenes / set pics / etc to good music (not elevator tracks). The majority of people never stay for the credits so I always like to make them worth staying for. I am one of those that have always stayed & got my 10 year old boy doing it too. There's always fun stuff that you miss if you leave too early.

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: Tons of names for credits
October 08, 2008 04:04PM
If you don't do this as a 22-minute sequence inspired by the opening titles to "Seven," I'm gonna personally come over there and take your Final Cut Studio license.


Re: Tons of names for credits
October 08, 2008 05:35PM
As an alternate viewpoint, do you have to do a scroll? With that many names, it tends to be more economical to just do cards back to back. Nobody ever lets that many credits stay long enough to read everything, so organize them alphabetically (so Person X who's looking for himself can spot himself quickly and be done with it), five seconds per card, 50 names per card, done in just under one minute.
Re: Tons of names for credits
October 08, 2008 06:00PM
Oooo...have them all fly by one at a time, like the opening credits to SUPERMAN, THE MOVIE (the 1978 one)! With 500 names, it would take only...40 to 50 minutes...tops. And it looks cool.


Listen to THE EDIT BAY Podcast on iTunes
Re: Tons of names for credits
October 08, 2008 07:06PM
Only if you loop the part of the score that goes "Duh. Duh-duh-dunduhduh. Duh-duh-dunduhduh. Duh-uh-duh-daduhDAAAAAA."

Re: Tons of names for credits
October 08, 2008 08:50PM

I could do one name at a time with a nice slow fade in to the song, "mana manna..."

Then, I could videotape the crowd reaction!!
Shirley I could get a nice raise for this??
Re: Tons of names for credits
October 08, 2008 09:18PM
...or have all 511 names do a 60 frame fade on one letter at a time - then have then explode off.

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: Tons of names for credits
October 09, 2008 08:26AM
. . . or, you could feature each person with a brief life history video and have their name over that . . . top level exec.'s would get the added bonus (to satisfy their ego) of having their children featured in theirs.
Re: Tons of names for credits
October 09, 2008 08:29AM
To heck with it. Just show them '40s-style. On a card. A single card.

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