hdv 720p60 codec download?

Posted by izbot 
hdv 720p60 codec download?
October 30, 2008 03:28PM
Howdy all.

I have 2 mac workstations ( a G5 and a macPRO). On my G5 i am working with FCP 5. On MacPRO i have FCP 6.

What I want (need) is the HDV 720p60 codec on my G5 to work with clips captured in 720p60 in FCP 5.


1. Is this possible?
if so...
2. Is it possible to download the codec and import it into FCP 5?
if so...
3. Where can i download it?

Many thanks!

p.s. obviously i am trying to avoid upgrading my FCP5 to 6 at this time (for about 500-600 reasons)
Re: hdv 720p60 codec download?
October 30, 2008 03:43PM
1. Technically yes, but it is wholly illegal and a violation of the EUA for FCP.

2 and 3. No.
Re: hdv 720p60 codec download?
October 30, 2008 10:45PM
You wanna play...ya gotta pay. Sorry.

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: hdv 720p60 codec download?
October 31, 2008 12:09PM
uhmmmm, i hate to say this but he did pay to play already. He already has FCP 6 so i see no reason why he can't share it to a FCP 5 machine? There are plenty of reasons for not upgrading a FCP 5 machine to 6, one little codec shouldn;t stop him.

Anyway, i have no idea if this will work but its worth a try:
See if swapping the HDV QuickTime component from your MacPro with the one on your G5 will bring over that codec your missing. FCP just reads your QuickTime library for these so it should just show up. You'll prob have to restart your maching tho. You can find it here:
Re: hdv 720p60 codec download?
October 31, 2008 01:04PM

uhmmmm, i hate to say this but he did pay to play already.

Uhmmmmm, no. Just one machine is upgraded. His G5 version w/FCP 5 has to be paid for to upgrade to 6. That one little codec comes with the upgrade. That's the legal way to do it.

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

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