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Boris titles look badPosted by akessler1
I'm working with mini-dv tapes, in easy setup DV NTSC - just trying to do basic titles, nothing fancy. Tried doing both moves and still titles. Started adding color to a title and when that turned out badly, I tried several times to do the plainest thing I could; no color, drop shadow, or moves. I tried new and older fonts such as Proxima Nova and Helvetica, Arial...etc - Sizes 36 - 24 - I tried creating a new title in Livetype and importing into my sequence, still looked terrible. Although it looked okay in Livetype. (this makes me think it's a display issue) But, no, they do not have an NTSC monitor to check my work (we will remedy that soon) Spoke to one of the company's tech guys who believes there might be something wrong with the fonts on the computer - perhaps they weren't installed properly - I don't know. It's a fairly new system. Perhaps we should reinstall the OS and FCP?
Without a shade of doubt, all confusion regarding bad quality graphics, text or effects is related to improper monitoring. Hook up a broadcast monitor out of your DV deck and how does it look now? As a workaround, you can set the Canvas to 100% precisely and that should at least show you a reasonable facsimile of your text quality. Kevin Monahan Social Support Lead, DV Products Adobe Adobe After Effects Adobe Premiere Pro Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro Community Blog Follow Me on Twitter!
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