Pulling fonts from logos (maybe never asked before)

Posted by J.Corbett 
Pulling fonts from logos (maybe never asked before)
January 01, 2009 01:31PM
How would you pull a font from a picture and do 1 of 2 things:

1. create a font based on the 4 or 5 characters where i can used all letters in the alphabet minus the dashes and commas.

2. make the 4 or five characters available to motion so that behaviors can be applied.


""" What you do with what you have, is more important than what you could do, with what you don't have."

> > > Knowledge + Action = Wisdom - J. Corbett 1992
Re: Pulling fonts from logos (maybe never asked before)
January 01, 2009 06:05PM
you cant "pull" a font out of a graphic unless you have the source file and you'll have to have the font to do that. so thats not really going to solve your problem...

if you just need individual alpha-channel graphics you can do a magic wand thing in photoshop and copy and paste that into a new file. or you can autotrace it in in illustrator (but that wont likely be as accurate as youd want)

but making an actual font is no simple task. i used to use fontographer several years back, but they dont make it anymore.

to my knowledge, all of the other existing font building applications will require you to build and import the characters as vector outlines (i.e. adobe illustrator or such)
Re: Pulling fonts from logos (maybe never asked before)
January 01, 2009 06:57PM
You could go to the link below, upload your picture with the font in it, and it would give you some suggestions about the identity of the font (or something similar depending on how obscure the reference is).

Once you have the identity of the font you want, you can go about downloading it (sometimes free, sometimes $, again depending on what the font is).

Might save you from having to create something from scratch

Re: Pulling fonts from logos (maybe never asked before)
January 02, 2009 08:13AM
i found the font. thanks

""" What you do with what you have, is more important than what you could do, with what you don't have."

> > > Knowledge + Action = Wisdom - J. Corbett 1992
Re: Pulling fonts from logos (maybe never asked before)
January 03, 2009 10:26PM
I know you found another solution but here's something I did...

>make the 4 or five characters available to motion so that behaviors can be applied. <

I had to do exactly this recently. All I had was a .gif of the logo and I couldn't find the font with Identifont (for example).

So I imported the .gif into a Motion Project and traced round the letters with bezier shapes. (luckily the letters were Caps and fairly simple). Then I had five bezier shapes I could do what I wanted with (including keyframing the shapes to morph the letters).

One thing I definitely found was a bit more effort accurately tracing the letters made for a much easier time later on.
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