HDV and RT options

Posted by DM 
HDV and RT options
January 10, 2009 09:34PM
How screwed am I?

17 MacBook Pro early model Core duo.
FW 800 capture
FC 5.1.4

Captured a 4 minute HDV performance. Took about 15 minutes to render once I dropped it into the timeline. The render bar was orange.

As a test, I bladed the sequence and added a simple cross dissolve as a transition. The cross dissolve render bar went orange, which makes RT playback impossible. The timeline stalls. I can change to RT safe but the transition effect is not visible. I tried all other options like dynamic video and half frame rate etc... with the same results.

It seems that while this system is fast enough to capture HDV, I'm going to play hell seeing any FX and transitions as well as a 6 to 1 (at best) render out time.

Anyone else have similar or contrasting experience?
Re: HDV and RT options
January 10, 2009 10:55PM

If simply placing your captured footage in your sequence causes a need for preview or worse quality playback then you have mismatched settings. You need to match your sequence settings to your captured media settings.

In the Browser window, select one of your captured clips and press Cmd-9 to display the Item Properties for that clip ... note down the displayed settings
Same for the sequence, in the Browser window, select the sequence and press Cmd-9 to display the Item Properties for that sequence ... note down the displayed settings

Now compare and contrast ... the settings should be essentially the same. post back and tell us what those settings are for both clip and sequence, and someone will put you right.

Re: HDV and RT options
January 11, 2009 12:12AM
OK, well now, that was interesting.

I think what I forgot to check was the sequence settings. When I used easy setup and created the HDV capture, there was a sequence residing in the project (as usual). I think I forgot to check it's settings, assuming that it would be set up for HDV as well. It was set for NTSC. Don't really know why this happens but I'll be on the lookout from now on. Sure enough, I can drop the HDV capture clip into the HDV timeline and no rendering is required. The transitions I've tried only have a green bar, which is fine.

thx for the tip
Re: HDV and RT options
January 11, 2009 05:29AM
Here's an old Shane video I found, which could make it a lot easier for you. Wish i knew this when I was working on earlier versions of FCP...


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