Clip Name Superimpose Filter?

Posted by Andy Field 
Clip Name Superimpose Filter?
January 17, 2009 12:15PM
There's probably an easy way to do this but my feeble noggin can't figure it out.

Working with XDCAM Clips - have to make comp/timecode burn reel for client. Will eventually edit with each individual clip....

1 - stringing together in one Timecode burn reel - no problem
2 - applying Timecode reader to all the clips (so it reads each clip - not the timeline run time)

NOW - is there a filter that will read and burn in each clip name on that sequence? Need this so when they log - we can quickly find the right clip (I would rather not use that sequence as my source as that requires option clicking on it each time you want to load into the viewer)

Any suggestions appreciated - Thanks Andy
Re: Clip Name Superimpose Filter?
January 17, 2009 12:17PM
I don't have an answer, but I second the question. I don't know how many times I've wanted to do a simple timecode burn-in for rushes, with the clip name, reel number, timecode and aux timecode. I have yet to find an easy way to accomplish it.

Re: Clip Name Superimpose Filter?
January 17, 2009 12:27PM
There is a new plugin for AVID that does this...but no way to do it in FCP just yet.

Listen to THE EDIT BAY Podcast on iTunes
Re: Clip Name Superimpose Filter?
January 17, 2009 12:48PM
Just found this

Time Code display reader

it's meant for Final Cut Express but works fine in Final Cut Pro Studio

it does almost everything Jeff and I would like - but it only reads the REEL name - not the CLIP name - it's written in FX Script and I just emailed the author (it's free) if anyone knows how to alter the script to read the CLIP name too - we're in business! Best - Andy
Re: Clip Name Superimpose Filter?
January 17, 2009 01:04PM
Alex Gollner or Christoph Vonrhein could take a stab at it. Alex frequents this forum.

Michael Horton
Re: Clip Name Superimpose Filter?
January 17, 2009 02:12PM
Hi Andy,
I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I already tried (I'm the author of that plugin) to add the clip name to my FCE Timecode Display, but I could not find any fxscript function supporting this (while there is one for reel name, and for timecode).

If I'll find something I'll let you know...

Re: Clip Name Superimpose Filter?
January 17, 2009 02:16PM
What about the media file name, Piero? Is that an option? I don't know if that would work for everybody, since the clip name and media file name don't have to match, but I always keep them in sync, personally.

Re: Clip Name Superimpose Filter?
January 17, 2009 05:35PM
Hi Jeff,
I'll check that. Unfortunately neither the file name nor the clip name are returned by documented fxscript functions. The problem is that, while indeed there do exist undocumented functions, finding exactly what you need among them is just matter of pure luck.

I'll give it a try, in any case...

Re: Clip Name Superimpose Filter?
January 17, 2009 05:39PM
There is no way to get the clip name into a filter.
The only way to do get it is to do it by hand or thru my XML app.
Have a look at my TCR Plus. The filter itself is free, if you need some more you can by the XML app.


Re: Clip Name Superimpose Filter?
January 17, 2009 08:32PM
Just tested your TCR filter - very nice - not sure how using/purchasing the XML App will get the information back into your TCR Filter -- and can't understand how you can access virtually everything else in the logging information EXCEPT the Clip name!?! This is a new headache with all the new tapeless workflows that create a new clip for every shot. Thanks! Andy
Re: Clip Name Superimpose Filter?
January 19, 2009 04:29PM
Anyone know how to do this with XML?
Re: Clip Name Superimpose Filter?
January 19, 2009 06:31PM
I also don't see a way to superimpose the original clip name with FX-Script. FX-Script just does not have any functionality to get the hands on the name of the used clip.

FxPlug also has some limitations. With a filter there is also no way to find out the name of the clip, because this information is not provided by the FxPlug interface to the plugins. FCP, FCE and Motion handle this completely internally.


But there is a way with the FxPlug interface when I (would) create a Video Generator with an image well and a checkbox that does something like "Superimpose Clip Name ?". This is (currently) the only way to get the name of the clip into the plugin-pipeline. The drawback is that you don't apply the clip to the timeline. Instead you apply the (still to be written) video generator to the timeline and drop the clip into the image well in the parameter list.

Would this be what you are looking for ?
Re: Clip Name Superimpose Filter?
January 19, 2009 08:19PM
Hmm sounds interesting - the major problem is many of us are changing how we work in Final Cut

Goodbye Reels of tape
Hello lots and lots of individual P2 and XDCAM clips

This makes it a challenge to produce comp reals for clients with timecode from each individual clip and their names.

So Christoph - your suggestion would be to put the generator on the timeline - and apply each clip to the well in each generator - that may take longer than simply creating a super for each clip with it's name over the burned in timecode.

This should go on a wishlist for the next version of Final Cut as this new workflow may be easier to ingest to a hard drive - but harder to deal with in media management and logging.

By the way - what I did was change the REEL name of each clip to the CLIP NAME (this is not an issue with P2 as we clear the disks each time and back up to two hard drives - so reconnecting the media won't be a consideration. - At least I can then edit from the original clips rather than a nested timeline to match timecode.

Best Andy
Re: Clip Name Superimpose Filter?
January 19, 2009 10:35PM
Yes, it was just a thought to write a generator with an image well that just passes the video through and superimposes the name of the clip on top of it.

I know this would also change the whole workflow, as you don't deal with your little clips anymore, but with lots of generators. And also (just pops into my mind): The generators have a default length when you apply them to the timeline, because you have to apply the video afterwards. This might also be am additional problem.

If still interested, I could write the plugin in such a way that the superimposed text can be configured and turned on and off globally in a separate interface. This would definitely help, because with a FX-Script solution (if it would be possible) you would have to switch the text off for each and every clip one by one after your done editing.

A solution from Apple implemented directly in FCP would of course be the best solution.
Re: Clip Name Superimpose Filter?
January 20, 2009 01:55AM
Hi Andy,

Maybe you misunderstood how TCR Plus is working.
Take the sequence, apply the filter to the first clip, select clip name in the popup. Export the sequence as XML and drop it to the TCR Plus application. The app will read all clip names from the info within the XML and apply that to a copy of the filter which then is applied to the matching clip.
Now import the modified XML into FCP and use the resulting sequence for playout.


Some workflow tools for FCP []
TitleExchange -- juggle titles within FCS, FCPX and many other apps.
Re: Clip Name Superimpose Filter?
January 20, 2009 03:57PM
Cool I'll try that tomorrow - right now I'm covering the inaugural parade for ABC NEWS in Washington -- typing this from a booth along the parade route - cold but very cool front seat to history! best - Andy
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